

Primary LanguageHTML


So you want to code, eh?

Where do I begin?

  • First, you need a computer
  • You need a fun attitude and some spare time
  • You need a great source for learning

Web dev roadmap

How the internet works


Install and Configure a Code Editor

  • Instal code editor, install helpful packages & plugins
  • Learn basics of using a code editor and how to get around
  • Build a first basic webpage


  • How HTML tags and attributes work
  • The main 20 tags HTML
  • folder structure and how to navigate between pages

Basic CSS

  • <style tags,
  • Creating CSS rules, how CSS selectors work, changing basic properties
  • Get really good at drawing boxes (Layouts) with flexbox and grid
  • Start learning the tricks to doing things you don't know how to do ce show an image as a circle, fade colors When you hover
  • Using a CSS reset
  • Learn to build entire websites from just a design/mockup

JavaScript Fundamentals

  • What is a Javascript
  • Inserting Inline vs External JS File
  • JS plugins VSCode
  • Variables: let, const & var
  • Data Types
  • Math Operators
  • Arrays (single and multi dimensional)
  • Loops & Conditions (Include looping on arrays)

JavaScript Fundamentals LESSON 2

  • Classes and Objects
  • OOP: Abstraction
  • OOP: Encapsulation
  • OOP: Inheritance
  • OOP: Polymorphism
  • Arrow Functions



JavaScript Fundamentals LESSON 3

  • What is a DOM?
  • Accessing the DOM
  • Select Element by ID
  • Select Element by Tag Name
  • Select Element by Class Name
  • Get and Set Content with textContent and innerHTML
  • Change Element Attributes
  • Set Inline Styles with the style Property
  • Create New DOM Elements
  • Insert HTML at Specified Positions
  • What is an event?
  • Listening for Events image

JavaScript Fundamentals LESSON 4

  • Introduction to Asynchronous Javascript
  • Understanding Synchronous and Asynchronous Code
  • Async Programming and Callback Functions
  • Implement a Callback
  • What is a Promise?
  • Create a Promise
  • From Callbacks to Promises
  • Handle Multiple Promises with Promise.all
  • The finally() function
  • Using Fetch
  • What is Async/Await?
  • Convert Promise Handling to Async/Await
  • Error Handling with try...catch

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Basics of Git LESSON 7

  • Cloning a repository
  • Fetch vs Pull
  • What is a branch?
  • Branch naming conventions
  • Creating New Branch
  • Making changes on the code
  • Publishing the branch
  • What is a pull request?
  • Making a pull request
  • Approving and merging the code to master branch
  • Exploring the repository image image image image image









