
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Book Review

This book review app is a MERN stack app, which uses the Open Library API and is programmed by laert-iskurti and snake_py.


After you download the reposetory, you have to cd into the backend and the frontend and run each time:

npm install

Start the app

Start the backend

First cd into the backend folder and then run:

npm start

Start the frontend

In a second terminal cd into the frontend folder and run:

npm start


You must make sure that the proxy for react is set correctly so that the backend and the frontend can communicated.

For instance when express is running on port 5000 and react is running on port 3000 then you need to add into react's package.json file:

"proxy": "http://localhost:5000/"

Data Models

User, Book, Favorites, Liked, Review, query_data, book_data, excel


In this section the Controllers and their functionality will be described.


All requests send back a message and status.

Route Required data Response data Protected Request type Comment
/api/user/register username, email, password status, message guest post It only registers the user - I want to implement email verification and let the user only log in if the user is verfied.
/api/user/login username, pw or email, pw status, message, token guest post the token must be saved in the FE as auth.token in the session or cookie
/api/user/ban user_id ban status admin post The methode changes the ban status either isBanned: false or true
/api/user/ user_id user admin delete Currently only admin can delete users


Route Required data Response data Protected Request type Comment
/api/books/click isbn, title, author, thumbnail status, success, message guest post By clicking the book in the search page, the book get added to the database.
/api/books/like user_id, book_id status, liked, message member post A member likes or unlikes a book (if previously liked)
/api/books/liked user_id status, likedBooks, message member get The member can see all his liked books


Route Required data Response data Protected Request type Comment
/api/book/review/add reviewTitle, rating, text, userId, bookId, isbn, bookTitle, author, thumbnail, bookLikeSum, bookClickCounter, bookAverageRating, status, success, message member post The member can add a review to a book
/api/book/review/get user_id status, reviewedBooks, message member get A member gets all the books he has reviewed.
/api/book/review/ title, rating, text, user_id, book_id status, success , message member delete The member can delete a review
/api/book/review/update _id (of the review) ,title, rating, text, user_id, book_id status, success, message memeber post The member can update a review


Standard MIT License