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August 15 2019

August 20 2019

August 23 2019

  • L. Rafael Reif, President of MIT publishes Jeffrey Epstein and MIT, confirming that "Over the course of 20 years, MIT received approximately $800,000 via foundations controlled by Jeffrey Epstein".

August 27 2019

  • First Wayback Machine snapshot of, stating "we the undersigned, attest not only to Joi’s talent in managing one of the most complex and multidisciplinary research organizations in the world, but also, and more importantly, to his character: thoughtful, humble, principled, and generous". High profile signatories include
    • Mary Lou Jepsen
    • George Church
    • Lawrence Lessig
    • Stewart Brand
    • Danny Hillis
    • Jonathan Zittrain
    • Nicholas Negroponte
    • Robert Langer
  • Kate Darling publishes Jeffrey Epstein's influence in the science world is a symptom of larger problems as an opinion piece in The Guardian.

August 28 2019

  • Richard Langer, in an interview with WBUR, says "the tremendously good things he’s done for MIT and for the world — so far outweigh the bad things" and "there are people who are gonna complain about everything".

August 29 2019

September 4 2019

  • Ito hosts an all-hands meeting at the Media Lab in an attempt to "ease tensions over the controversy and begin addressing its root causes". Ito "concluded that he should stay at the Media Lab and help with the healing process."
    • Near the end of the meeting, unprompted, Nicholas Negroponte announces "he had recommended that Ito take Epstein’s money. “If you wind back the clock,” he added, “I would still say, ‘Take it.’” And he repeated, more emphatically, “‘Take it.’”"

September 6 2019

September 7 2019

September 8 2019

  • Lawrence Lessig publishes On Joi and MIT, says "I had wanted, in the spirit of the Net, to respond and explain then. I was asked by Joi’s friends not to... MIT is less now that Joi is gone."

Thanks and recognition

Thanks and recognition to all those whose actions of speaking up, reporting, etc made this timeline possible. Special thanks to Arwa Mboya, a Masters student at the Media Lab, and Signe Swenson, a former MIT employee and major source for Farrow's article.