SQLite migrater with raw SQL for expo-managed React Native app using React Hooks and TypeScript.
yarn add react-native-expo-raw-sql-migrations
# or
npm install --save react-native-expo-raw-sql-migrations
Automatically migrate.
- Ready to DB object and migration JSON schema.
- Wrap with Provider Component.
- Handle to fetch DB with
custom hook.
// app.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { MigrationProvider, Migration } from "react-native-expo-raw-sql-migrations";
import * as SQLite from "expo-sqlite";
// 1) Ready to db and migration.
export const db = SQLite.openDatabase("myApp.db", "1"); // args are dbname, db-version.
export const migrations: Migration[] = [
name: "202004021800",
"CREATE TABLE cycles (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, startedAt TEXT, endedAt TEXT, createdAt TEXT, updatedAt TEXT)",
name: "202004022100",
"CREATE TABLE kpts (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, cycleID TEXT, type TEXT, text TEXT, createdAt TEXT, updatedAt TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(cycleID) REFERENCES cycles(id))",
// 2) Wrap provider
// Execute to migrate automatically.
const App = () => {
<MigrationProvider db={db} migrations={migrations}>
{ /* children components ... */ }
export default App;
// SomethingComponent.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { useMigrate } from "react-native-expo-raw-sql-migrations";
const fetchUser = () => { /* fetch data from db */ }
export const SomethingComponent = () => {
// isFinished as flag will be true after migration.
const { isFinished } = useMigrate()
React.useEffect(() => {
// 3) Handle operation for db.
// These operation for db should execute after migration.
}, [isFinished, fetchUser])
If you would like to handle migration logic yourself, pass startsBootstrap option to Provider Component. e.g<MigrationProvider options={{ startsBootstrap: false }}>{...}</MigrationProvider>
This package is used by Keputo - KPT method - Keep/Problem/Try as expo mobile app.