This example demonstrates how to configure Camel routes in Spring Boot via a Spring XML configuration file.
The application utilizes the Spring @ImportResource
annotation to load a Camel Context definition via a camel-context.xml file on the classpath.
IMPORTANT: This quickstart can run in 2 modes: standalone on your machine and on an OpenShift Cluster
The example can be built with
mvn clean install
You can also run this quickstart as a standalone project directly:
Obtain the project and enter the project's directory Build the project:
$ mvn clean package
$ mvn spring-boot:run
The following steps assume you already have a Kubernetes / Openshift environment installed and relative tools like oc
If you have a single-node OpenShift cluster, such as Minishift
, you can also deploy your quickstart there.
A single-node OpenShift cluster provides you with access to a cloud environment that is similar to a production environment.
IMPORTANT: You need to run this example on Container Development Kit 3.3 or OpenShift 3.7. Both of these products have suitable Fuse images pre-installed. If you run it in an environment where those images are not preinstalled follow the steps described below.
- Log in and create your project / namespace:
$ oc login -u developer -p developer
$ oc new-project MY_PROJECT_NAME
- Build and deploy the project to the Kubernetes / OpenShift cluster:
$ mvn clean -DskipTests fabric8:deploy -Popenshift
Following steps assume you already have a Kubernates / Openshift environment installed and relative tools like oc
If you have a single-node OpenShift cluster, such as Minishift
, you can also deploy your quickstart there.
A single-node OpenShift cluster provides you with access to a cloud environment that is similar to a production environment.
- Log in and create your project / namespace:
$ oc login -u developer -p developer
$ oc new-project MY_PROJECT_NAME
- Import base images in your newly created project (MY_PROJECT_NAME):
$ oc import-image fis-java-openshift:2.0 --confirm
- Build and deploy the project to the OpenShift cluster:
$ mvn clean -DskipTests fabric8:deploy -Popenshift -Dfabric8.generator.fromMode=istag -Dfabric8.generator.from=MY_PROJECT_NAME/fis-java-openshift:2.0