
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A unified workflow for data-driven precision cell fate engineering via highly multiplexed gene control


Using pip:

Ensure you have Python and pip installed on your system. Then run the following command:

pip install -r model/requirements.txt

Using conda:

Ensure you have Anaconda or Miniconda installed on your system. Create a new conda environment (optional but recommended):

conda create --name cell_reprogram_env
conda activate cell_reprogram_env

Install the dependencies:

conda install --file model/requirements.txt

Sample workflow

Worfklow for processing new dataset and running the model

Step 1. Initialize PreciCE data processing workflow and preprocess dataset

path = '../data/Friedman.h5ad'
raw_adata = sc.read_h5ad('../data/Friedman.h5ad')
workflow = precice(adata=raw_adata, 
                   path = path, 

Step 2. Run batch correction (optional)


## Visualize effects

sc.pl.umap(workflow.adata, color='day')

Step 3. Compute differential expression

### Identify source and target cells
source_name = 'stem'
target_name = 'meso'

workflow.get_DE(source_name=source_name, target_name=target_name)

Step 4. Network inference: Either load pre-existing network

workflow.get_network(cell_type='embryonic stem cell')

Or infer network and edge weights [Can take several hours]

## Set up PySCENIC for given dataset

## Run PySCENIC (Takes several hours)

## Post processing of learnt transcriptional network

Step 5. Run PrecICE to identify optimal transcription factor perturbations

transition = source_name +'_to_' + target_name
python_path = '/user/bin/python'
workflow.run_precice(species='human', python_path=python_path,

Step 6. Plot results: ranked list of perturbations and associated precision score with each perturbation

from plot import make_precision_plot
result_file = %% insert path to results generated by precice

make_precision_plot(result_file, source=source_name, target=target_name)