
De4dot based patching toolkit for .net binary modification.

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De4dot based patching toolkit for .net binary modification.


  • Why not just use dnlib for patching directly?
    • Most assemblies are obfuscated and packed in practice.
    • Using dnlib or Mono.Cecil directly on these will, in most cases, result in a broken Assembly that will not run.
  • What does this do differently from using de4dot or dnlib?
    • dnlib is a library that allows for programmatically patching an assembly.
    • de4dot is CLI program to deobfuscate and unpack assemblies.
    • auto-medic provides scaffolding to simplify and combines both processes so that an assembly can be deobfucated and programmatically patched in a single-step.
  • What are the tangible benefits to utilizing auto-medic?
    • A streamlined patch process.
    • No need to run de4dot independently before patching.
    • Less boiler-plate code to utilize dnlib for patching.
    • A resultant self-contained single-executable patch-program for a target assembly.


  • csc.exe must be in your path.
  • ILRepack.exe must be in your path.
  • de4dotp.exe must be in your path.


  • Create a patched version of de4dot called de4dotp.exe by following the instructions here and add the directory it is in to your path.
  • Install Build Tools for Visual Studio and add the directory csc.exe is in to your path.
  • Install ILRepack and add the directory ILRepack.exe is in to your path. I just extract the executable from the nupkg directly.


  • automedic.cs
    • Base toolkit.
    • This is utilized to streamline user-code that needs to be written to patch an executable.
  • example/auto-medic.cs
    • Example user code utilizing the base toolkit.
    • Compiled into Auto-Medic.exe.
  • example/sample.cs
    • An example target application to patch.
    • Compiled into a.exe.
    • Returns A equal 0! pre-patch.
    • Should return A equal 1! post-patch.
  • example/make.bat
    • Example build and run script.
    • Compiles a.exe and Auto-Medic.exe.
    • Runs a.exe pre-patch.
    • Patches a.exe using Auto-Doc.exe.
    • Runs a.exe post-patch.


  • Include automedic.cs into a project.
  • Adapt example/auto-medic.cs for real-world usage.
    • It should be pretty simple in practice.
    • Each modifier is called for all methods in the assembly.
    • Multiple code patches can be applied via additional calls to AutoMedic.modifiers.Add() with different modifiers.
    • The checksum is computed by adding all modifier return values.
    • Any .net assembly can be targeted.
  • Make sure to use ILRepack.exe to pack de4dotp.exe with your executable after compilation. Otherwise, it won't work. See example/make.bat for details.
  • In a real world use-cases, one might use dnSpy or .net Reflector to reverse-engineer the target .net assembly, and then utilize this toolkit to create and apply patches to an assembly's bytecode.