Deck of Cards


This program simulates a simple deck of cards. Cards can have a rank and suit. Ranks are numerical from 1 to 13, with 1 representing Aces, 11 representing Jacks, 12 representing Queens, and 13 representing Kings. Suits are Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs. Decks can have all 52 cards in a standard deck.

Additionally, this program uses BDD to test the cards and decks.


I referenced Matt Sears' Minitest Quick Reference, as well as the minitest/spec Ruby Doc.


Cards are initialized by passing in a rank and a suit. They come with the following methods:

  • rank - returns the rank of the card
  • suit - returns the suit of the card
  • to_s - returns the rank and suit of the card, formatted as "[Rank] of [Suits]"

Decks are initialized, and automatically create an unshuffled deck of 52 cards. They come with the following methods:

  • cards - returns the array of card objects created by initialize
  • shuffle! - randomizes the order of card objects in the array
  • to_s - returns each card's formatted rank and suit