Hair Salon

Epicodus C# Week 4 Hair Salon Project, 7.20.2018

By Protatodev (Thad Donaghue)


This website was written using C# .Net Core. The website demonstrates a simple Hair Salon admin portal. The employee can manage stylists and clients and can manipulate, add and delete each as necessary. This version builds on the previous version by adding many to many relationships and adding a 'specialty' model for stylists. All records are saved on a database using MySQL allowing for simple access.


Behavior Input Output Why
Make basic splash page with buttons allowing the user to click to navigate No input No output Very simple basic view created with a Home controller to setup a default landing page. Simple to implement
User clicks 'View Stylists' button and a new page is displayed with all of the salon's current stylists listed None Page displaying stylists Simple page that retrieves the stylists from the database
User clicks 'View Clients' button and a new page is displayed with all of the salon's current clients listed None Page displaying clients Simple page that retrieves the clients from the database
User clicks 'View Specialties' button and a new page is displayed with all of the salon's current specialties listed None Page displaying specialties Simple page that retrieves the specialties from the database
User clicks 'Add Stylist' button and a new page is displayed with a form to add a new stylist Name Experience Adds the entry to the database and displays the page of all stylists Simple input gathering page for adding stylists
User clicks 'Add Client' button and a new page is displayed with a form to add a new client Name Stylist Adds the entry to the database and displays the page of all clients Simple input gathering page for adding clients
User clicks 'Add Specialty' button and a new page is displayed with a form to add a new specialty Name Adds the entry to the database and displays the page of all specialties Simple input gathering page for adding clients
Add form validation No input received in required field Must fill out this field Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to update a stylist record Edit name and/or experience, add clients and/or specialties Updates shown in new page Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to update a client record Edit name and/or stylists optionally add additional stylists Updates shown in new page Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to delete a client record Click Delete Database updated Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to delete a stylist record Click Delete Database updated Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to delete a specialty record Click Delete Database updated Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to delete all client records Click Delete All Clients Database updated Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to delete all stylist records Click Delete All Stylists Database updated Moderately difficult to implement
Add functionality to delete all specialty records Click Delete All Specialties Database updated Moderately difficult to implement
Add Details page for clients that shows various information and current stylists they are assigned to None Details page Difficult to implement
Add Details page for stylists that shows various information and current clients they are serving and current specialties None Details page Difficult to implement
Add Details page for stylists that shows various information and current stylists they are attributed to None Details page Difficult to implement

Setup on OSX / Windows

  • Download and install .Net Core 1.1.4 (Linked below)
  • Download and install Mono (Linked below)
  • Clone the repo
  • Run dotnet restore from within the project directory using PowerShell / Terminal

Steps required to implement database (Command Line)

  • From the command line, enter the following commands:
  • > mysql -uroot -proot
  • > CREATE DATABASE thad_donaghue;
  • > USE thad_donaghue;
  • > CREATE TABLE stylists (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), experience INT, client_id INT);
  • > CREATE TABLE clients (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), stylist_id INT);

Steps required to implement database (Import)

  • From the cloned repository folder on your machine, locate the .sql file that is contained in the root folder
  • Import the .sql file via your web server

Testing Program Functionality (Command Line)

  • Navigate to the cloned repository on your hard drive
  • Navigate to the Model or Controller you wish to test
  • Run dotnet test from within the directory

Testing Program Functionality (Visual Studio)

  • Navigate to the cloned repository on your hard drive
  • Open the solution file in Visual Studio
  • In the menu bar navigate to 'Test' => 'Run' => 'All Tests'
  • Results will display in the test explorer

Contribution Requirements

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Make a new branch
  3. Commit and push your changes
  4. Create a PR

Technologies Used

  • .Net Core 1.1.4
  • MSTest
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap 4.1.1
  • MySQL
  • MVC
  • Razor



This software is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2018 Protatodev