
V1 interface for Snapshot. Join us on Discord http://discord.snapshot.org

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

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Snapshot is an off-chain gasless multi-governance client with easy to verify and hard to contest results.

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Project setup


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn dev

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Development Guide

Use http://localhost:8080/#/fabien.eth for testing your code.

By default your instance will connect to the hub at https://testnet.hub.snapshot.org. To change that (or other values) you can create a .env.local and overwrite the values from .env.

Running service locally with Docker

  1. Run docker build -t snapshot . to build the image
  2. Run docker run --name snapshot -p 8080:8080 snapshot to run the container
  3. Go to http://localhost:8080/#/fabien.eth to test your code


Snapshot is open-sourced software licensed under the © MIT license.