Pro Tips


if you are already in ubuntu16.04 bare metal machine or in a ubuntu16.04 chroot environment, you can directly execute

cd ~ && git clone && chmod +x ArkCompilerEnvSetup/bin/Setup && ./ArkCompilerEnvSetup/bin/Setup


if you want to run it in docker, maybe you can use

docker pull snapsisy/aces

or you can do

cd ~ && git clone

docker build -t aces ArkCompilerEnvSetup/docker/

who don't have a nice internet link

there is a source list in tmp folder. you can modify the docker file by modifying

COPY ./tmp/SourceList /


COPY ./tmp/SourceList /etc/apt/sources.list

or if you already pulled aces image, you can do

cp /SourceList /etc/apt/sources.list

in the activated container for later use.