
CLI application that provides a make-pretend store-front for make-pretend people to buy make-pretend products

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Make all your text-based imaginary shopping simple with Emizun!

Emizun.js - Command-line shopping made ez!

Emizun is a CLI application that provides a make-pretend store-front and make-pretend store management for make-pretend people to buy make-pretend products. Emizun runs on Node.js and requires a mySQL database.

Watch the exciting demo

Table of Contents

  1. emizun-customer
  2. emizun-supervisor
  3. emizun-manager
  4. emizun-util
    1. emizun-util.table
    2. emizun-util.prompt


emizun-customer provides a command line interface that allows a user to select goods and quantities to "purchase" products, updating the database to reflect their transactions. Launch the app and then select a product from the list.

? Select a product
  1        | ShamWow              | $19.95
> 2        | Snuggie              | $19.80
  3        | Chia Pet             | $15.97
  4        | My Pillow            | $39.95

Then enter a quantity to purchase. (Enter a quantity of 0 to cancel the purchase.)

? Please enter a quantity for Snuggie (0 - 45): 2
Your total comes to $39.60. Please wait while we process your transaction...
Your order has been placed!


emizun-supervisor provides an interactive sales reporting session. The user may select two operations. View product sales by department will present a sales report, like so:

║  Dept ID │ Dept Name            │   Overhead │      Gross │     Profit ║
║        2 │ Clothing             │  $20000.00 │  $59020.94 │  $39020.94 ║
║        1 │ Health & Wellness    │  $10000.00 │   $1992.95 │  $-8007.05 ║

Register new department will prompt you to enter a department name to be tracked. This should match the department names entered for individual inventory items exactly. You will also be prompted to enter the department's estimated overhead cost.


emizunManager.js provides an interactive inventory management session. View products presents a report of all products in the catalog. View low inventory produces a similar report, but containing only products low on inventory.

║    Stock # │ Product name         │ Qty in stock ║
║          1 │ ShamWow              │           13 ║
║          2 │ Snuggie              │           45 ║
║         21 │ EGGstractor          │          100 ║
12 item(s)

Add to inventory adjusts inventory levels. First select the relevant product:

? Select an item (Use arrow keys)
>          1 | ShamWow              |           13
           2 | Snuggie              |           43
           3 | Chia Pet             |           11
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

Then enter the amount to add to the current stock level (or enter a negative number to subtract from the current stock level).

? Enter quantity for 'ShamWow': 10
Your request is being processed.
Transaction complete.


emizun-util defines functionality common to all three above packages and is the sole (explicit) dependency of each. emizun-util consists of the following files:

▼ Emizun-Util/
├───emizunUtil.js         Primary module. Exports: {table, prompt, 
│                           EmmizunConnection}
├───emizunDB.json         Database connection parameters (for 
│                           mysql.createConnection)
├───EmizunConnection.js   Wraps mysql to provide a simpler interface 
│                           specific to Emizun
├───table.js              Provides table rendering
├───prompt.js             Provides a streamlined wrapper around inquirer
└───schema.sql            Database schema


The table object provides the following useful members:

  • displayTable(rows, columnWidths, tableStyle?, dataTransform?, outputFunction?)

    Renders a nested array as a table (rows containing columns). Alternatively accepts an array of objects (rows) and a function that converts each row object into a series of column values. By default output is routed to console.log, but a callback may be specified to recieve output.

    columnWidths specifies column sizes in characters (not including borders/separators). Specify a negative value to right-align a column.

  • tableSeparator

    Placeholder object that can be placed in the top-level array given to displayTable() which will render as a horizontal separator in the table.

  • tableStyles

    Provides different styles tables may be rendered in: dashes, inverse, inverseBorder, boxDrawing, and fattyBox.

  • tableize(columns, columnWidths)

    Formats a single row into columns using the same column definitions as displayTable().

Sample usage:

// simple example
var rows = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] ];
var columns = [10, 10, 10]; // 10 char column widths
emizunUtil.table.displayTable(rows, columns);

/* Output
1          | 2          | 3
4          | 5          | 6
7          | 8          | 9

// complex example
var data = [
    {id: "ID", name: "NAME", price: "PRICE"},   // Header
    emizunUtil.table.tableSeparator,            // Separator
    {id: 0, name: "Magic Eraser", price: 8.99},
    {id: 1, name: "Swiffer", price: 14.99},
    {id: 2, name: "Simple Green", price: 3.99},
var columns = [-8, 30, -10];
var transform = function(item) { 
    // Convert each item to an array of column values
    return [
        // format numbers as $_.__
        (item.price.toFixed) ? ("$" + item.price.toFixed(2)) : item.price
emizunUtil.table.displayTable(data, columns,
    emizunUtil.table.tableStyles.fattyBox, transform);

/* Output
║       ID │ NAME                           │      PRICE ║
║        0 │ Magic Eraser                   │      $8.99 ║
║        1 │ Swiffer                        │     $14.99 ║
║        2 │ Simple Green                   │      $3.99 ║


The prompt object wraps inquirer and provides the following useful members.

  • makeChoices().add(value, displayString, selectedDisplayString?)

    Returns an object which may be passed to inquirer as a choice list. Multiple calls to .add may be chained.

  • options

    Provides a list of utility options that can be use to modify prompts: validateNumber, validateInt, validateNotblank. Alternatively, and object literal may be used to specify options for a prompt, e.g. {default: 0}. Multiple options objects may be combined by passing them in an array: [prompt.options.validateInt, {default: 0}]

  • input(name, message, options?)

    Defines an input prompt.

  • list(name, message, choices, options?)

    Defines a list prompt. Choices should be an array containing string or choice objects or the choice list produced by makeChoices().add().

  • confirm(name, message, default?, options?)

    Defines a confirm prompt.

input(), list(), and confirm() may be chained to create a series of prompts. The return value is a Prompt object.

The Prompt object further provides the following methods:

  • show()

    Finalizes the prompt list and presents the sequence of prompts to the user. Returns the inquirer promise object.

  • then()

    Convenience method. Prompt.then() is equivalent to Prompt.show().then().

Sample usage:

var languages = emizunUtil.prompt.makeChoices()
    .add('en', 'English')
    .add('es', 'Spanish')
    .add('fr', 'French');
    .input('name', 'Enter your name.')
    .input('age', 'Enter your age.', emizunUtil.prompt.options.validateInt)
    .list('language', 'Select a language.', languages)
    .confirm('agree', 'Do you agree to the terms of use?', {default: false})
    .then(data => {
        // data = (e.g.) { name: 'steve', age: '30', language: 'en', agree: true}