
Frogma runway project

Primary LanguagePython



  • Occidentalis v0.2 (unless fakeMode == True)


Ensure LEDs are powered, then run sudo python Flasher.py

Flasher.py does the following:

  • Starts SuperSimple.py (minimalist socket server) in a child thread (use noSocket = True to disable)
  • Connects to LED string via GPIO (use fakeMode = True to bypass)
  • Writes to a log file (called 'log')
  • Then loops indefinitely:
    • Checks to see if SuperSimple has written anything to stdout. If so, process this input (e.g., change tick time or pattern or whatever)
    • Update LED pattern(s)

Note: You can pass a pattern int on the command line:

sudo python Flasher.py 3

To connect to the socket server

  1. Load websocket2.html in a browser on the client
  2. Make sure Flasher.py is running on the pi (host)
  3. If pi is in "home" mode, press "home" button to connect. If pi is in "playa" mode, press "playa" button to connect.
  4. If successful you should see "connected" in the output
  5. Use buttons to send preset commands
  6. You can also type in arbitrary protocol commands (see below for list) and hit "Send"




bpm=float NOTE todo. Haven't implemented this yet.



...which I'll interpret like this:

  • pattern - I'll immediately switch to the specified pattern number (suggest we use ints not pattern names). Let's reserve pattern=0 for "everything off"
  • tick - directly set the delay between ticks in seconds (e.g, 0.1 is a tenth of a second-per-tick)
  • bpm - pattern tempo in beats-per-minute. I will calculate tick from this.
  • light - turn on a specific light (in addition to current pattern)
  • fire - turn on a specific fire (in addition to current pattern)

If we need to handle multiple parameters per message, comma separate them:



  • If Flasher.py crashes you may need to kill the server manually before restarting. Get PID from ps -A | grep Super then do sudo kill PID.

Workflow Notes


git pull origin master

git add FILE

git commit -a (then save commit message via nano)

git push