
Demo of distributed transactions on MongoDB 4.2 using the subset schema design pattern

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Distributed Transactions with Subset Schema Design Pattern

Distributed Transactions with Subset Schema Design Pattern


1. Setup a MongoDB 4.2 Sharded Cluster on MongoDB Atlas (2 shards is sufficient)

2. Setup the IMDB and IMDB_Cast databases on Shard0 and Shard1 respectively as follows:

use IMDB
sh.shardCollection("IMDB.movies_metadata", { _id: 1 } );
sh.shardCollection("IMDB.movies_credits", { _id: 1 } );
db.adminCommand({ movePrimary: "IMDB", to: "sh_0" });

use IMDB_Cast
sh.shardCollection("IMDB_Cast.cast_crew", { _id: 1 } );
db.adminCommand({ movePrimary: "IMDB_Cast", to: "sh_1" });

3. Extract the IMDB_data.zip file. This contains the 'IMDB__movies_credits.json', 'IMDB__movies_metadata.json' and 'IMDB_Cast__cast_crew.json' files.__

4. Import the data to each database as follows:

mongoimport --host YOURHOST --ssl --username YOURUSER --password YOURPWD --authenticationDatabase admin --db IMDB --collection movies_credits --type JSON --file IMDB__movies_credits.json

mongoimport --host YOURHOST --ssl --username YOURUSER --password YOURPWD --authenticationDatabase admin --db IMDB --collection movies_metadata --type JSON --file IMDB__movies_metadata.json

mongoimport --host YOURHOST --ssl --username YOURUSER --password YOURPWD --authenticationDatabase admin --db IMDB_Cast --collection cast_crew --type JSON --file IMDB_Cast__cast_crew.json

5. Execute the script SubsetPatternWithIMDB_DistTx.js. This will traverse the first 100 documents in the IMDB.movies_credits collection and populate the IMDB_Cast.cast_crew.roles and IMDB.movies_metadata.main_actors arrays using a distributed transaction.

6. Proof: The IMDB_Cast.cast_crew collection will have a roles array with a subset of the information of every movie the actress/actor as starred in. The IMDB.movies_metadata collection will have a main_actors array with a subset of the information of every actress/actor that starred in the movie.