RabbitMQ Message Bus for node-cqrs
npm install bitbucket:cqrs/node-cqrs bitbucket:cqrs/node-cqrs-rabbitmq --save
A configured instance of RabbitMqBus must be passed in as "bus" option to the EventStore constructor:
const EventStore = require('node-cqrs').EventStore;
const InMemoryEventStorage = require('node-cqrs').InMemoryEventStorage;
const RabbitMqBus = require('node-cqrs-rabbitmq');
const storage = new InMemoryEventStorage();
const bus = new RabbitMqBus({
connectionString: 'amqp://username:password@localhost?heartbeat=30',
queue: 'my.events',
durable: false,
appId: 'my-app-id'
const eventStore = new EventStore({ storage, bus });
{ aggreateId: 1, aggregateVersion: 1, type: 'somethingHappened', payload: {} }
The same, using DI container:
const EventStore = require('node-cqrs').EventStore;
const InMemoryEventStorage = require('node-cqrs').InMemoryEventStorage;
const Container = require('node-cqrs').Container;
const RabbitMqBus = require('node-cqrs-rabbitmq');
const c = new Container();
c.register(InMemoryEventStorage, 'storage');
c.register(() => new RabbitMqBus({
connectionString: 'amqp://username:password@localhost?heartbeat=30',
queue: 'my.events',
durable: false,
appId: 'my-app-id'
}), 'bus');
c.register(EventStore, 'eventStore');
{ aggreateId: 1, aggregateVersion: 1, type: 'somethingHappened', payload: {} }
Constructor Options
- connectionString
- queue
- queuePrefix
- durable
- prefetch
- appId