My pipeline wrapper of 'Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models'.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

improved-diffusion iDDPM

Thanks a lot for the official code https://github.com/openai/improved-diffusion

However, I fail to install mpi4py for multi/distributed training. And I think mpi4py and torch.distributed are not for prototyping. So I remove those components and the code should run on a single GPU without mpi4py.

I generate and save the generated images, and evaluate the IS/FID/KID during training. I keep a replay buffer to store generated images for IS/FID/KID

pip install torch  torch_fidelity

optional: wandb


Contains the code for: 1) Train, 2) Generate and FID, 3) NLL/BPD, namely negative log likelihood / bit per dim.


The training command is simple.

python iddpm_main.py --gpu-id 0 --print-freq 100 --note warmup    [--no_fid]

The hyperparameters please refer to https://github.com/openai/improved-diffusion#models-and-hyperparameters and change iddpm/script_util.py.


A larger diffusion_steps will cause a much longer generation during traing. You can use --no_fid to ignore the sampling.

My results

The figure of traing curves and logs

On wandb.ai


The replay buffer's FID is ~10, while generating 10k images from scratch only achieves ~16.7

  • Due to computational resource limitation, I use num_channels=64 for CIFAR10 (reduce Number of Params from 52M to 13M, GPU memory 11.9MiB). T=1000.
  • I found the EMA 0.9999 is very slow, so I use 0.999. I found warmup doesn't help at begining. And learning rate decaying also doesn't help.
  • The number of iterations is 500 (epochs) * 390(iterations/epoch), batch size is 128.
  • Every epoch takes more than 2.6 minutes. The sampling of 100 images with T=1000 takes about 100 seconds.
  • The training time should be ~21:40:00, not including the sampling and evaluation.

Sampling and Evaluate IS/FID/KID

I use torch_fidelity

To reload other models/other datasets, check iddpm/script_util.py and utils/eval_quality.py

python iddpm_eval.py --eval gen --resume path/your/checkpoint.pth --gpu-id 0
  • The saved images and log file are under path/your/checkpoint.pth_eval_gen_date
  • The sampling with T=1000 takes about 10 minutes to generate 1000 32x32 images, using Unet with num_channels=64.

The comparison to TF https://github.com/sndnyang/inception_score_fid/blob/master/eval_is_fid_torch_fidelity.ipynb


Also use their official implementation, just a command

python iddpm_eval.py --eval gen --use_ddim --resume cifar10_uncond_50M_500K.pt --gpu-id 0 --timestep_respacing 50

Speed: batch 10/1000 images takes 0:01:17.226265

Logs: logs/ddim_sampling_50.log

Evaluate NLL

negative log likelihood / bit per dim

python iddpm_eval.py --eval nll --resume path/your/checkpoint.pth --gpu-id 0


Check Row 119-122 in iddpm_eval.py, make sure it's consistent with the trained checkpoint model.


The evaluation is very slow~~~

Change Log


Faster sampling, namely call --use_ddim


Notebooks for

  1. Evaluate NLL
  2. Generate and FID


  1. Faster sampling (Not working on it)



  1. Generation and Evaluate IS/FID/KID
  2. Evaluate NLL


  1. Faster sampling


Init code

  1. Training iddpm_main.py