
Kellogg bad | Union good | Support strike funds

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Still experimental! Tools for automatically applying for many of the same job.


You will need

  • Python 3 (most operating systems come with it preinstalled, otherwise see the download page)
  • pip (you should have it, otherwise type python -m ensurepip --upgrade into your command line/terminal)

For all of this you will need to be on your command line or terminal!

  • Mac: Go to "Applications," then "Utilities" then "Terminal"
  • Windows: (someone help me out here I don't use windows!)

From PyPI:

pip install autoscab

From GitHub:

Either download the code using the green "Code" button above and to the right, and then clicking "Download Zip," and unzip the files into a directory, or use git clone https://github.com/sneakers-the-rat/autoscab.git if you have git installed

Then, opening a terminal/command prompt in that directory (use cd in linux/mac and dir in windows to change directories), type:

pip install .


To get help, type autoscab --help

(autoscab--E_yShkX-py3.8) bash-3.2$ autoscab --help
usage: APPLY FOR MANY OF THE SAME JOB [-h] [-n N] [--relentless] [--list] [--noheadless] [--leaveopen]

positional arguments:
  deployment    Which deployment to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -n N          Apply for n jobs (default: 1)
  --relentless  Keep applying forever
  --list        List all available deployments and exit
  --noheadless  Show the chromium driver as it fills in the application
  --leaveopen   Try to leave the browser open after an application is completed


The basic usage is


So for example

autoscab fredmeyer

You can then customize how many applications you want to submit with -n, run it indefinitely with --relentless, or show the window as the application is being submitted with --noheadless

autoscab fredmeyer --relentless --noheadless


autoscab fredmeyer -n 3 --leaveopen





  • Added support for other browsers!


  • Added starbucks deployment
  • new Locator structure that includes action-types and ability to refer to fields in the identity object, so one can make a locator like:
from autoscab.locators import Locator, Location
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

my_locator = Locator(locations={
  'my_location': Location(
  'a_button': Location(

and then use them in the PostBot like

self.execute(['my_location', 'a_button'])
  • Deployments now have active_dates which are pprinted in the console like
Autoscab Deployments (0.3.0)
starbucks - [ ACTIVE ]   22-01-16 - (indefinite)
fredmeyer - [ INACTIVE ] 21-12-01 - 21-12-31
  • added ability to specify university in resume maker, pending a fuller rewrite
  • identity objects have new fields: dob, age, username, university, degree, company, job
  • PostBots should now have a confirm method, though it is not enforced yet by ABC, that lets you make sure you actually submit an app instead of just running indefinitely doing nothing.


  • Default to "random" email using Faker().free_email() when email confirmation is not required
  • Add identity_params passed through from PostBot class to Identity


  • Add pause at end of fredmeyer deployment to ensure application submission

Original KelloggBot Readme:



Credit to SeanDaBlack for the basis of the script.

main.py is selenium python bot. sc.js is a the base of the ios shortcut [COMING SOON]


On mac/pc:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install webdriver-manager to automatically download the correct chrome driver. If you are having issues opening having it open chrome, check https://github.com/SergeyPirogov/webdriver_manager.

Poppler must also be installed for pdf2image. Follow the instructions at https://pdf2image.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html to install.

It needs to be found in your PATH variable.

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)

python main.py to run. It will loop until you kill the job. ctrl + c in your terminal to give the pro lifes a break (optional).


You might also get a trust issue with the downloaded driver being unverified. To fix that, run

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine chromedriver

this just tells the OS it's safe to use this driver, and Selenium will start working. See https://timonweb.com/misc/fixing-error-chromedriver-cannot-be-opened-because-the-developer-cannot-be-verified-unable-to-launch-the-chrome-browser-on-mac-os/ for more info.

You will also need to install ffmpeg if it is not already installed: Mac installation guide Windows installation guide


usage: A script to automate very legitimate applications to kellogg's production plants affected by union strikes
       python3 main.py [-h] [--debug] [--mailtm]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --debug     Puts script in a 'debug' mode where the Chrome GUI is visible
  --mailtm    Uses mail.tm instead of guerrilla mail by default

Kellogg bad | Union good | Support strike funds