
Primary LanguageJavaScript

//TODO dubbel check event: 456683 closed loop, we skippen updates van webhook omdat deze anders data kan overschrijven na dat we matchen eventId van webhook is 1 maar refund API stuur ik naar https://api.weezevent.com/pay/v2/organizations/456683/transactions/actions? (make internal and external eventId the same) set digitalocean REDIS_URL = default:bigredisbigresults23@redis-goodless.fanarena.com:6379 node activation-worker.js FTIKortrijk voor afsluiten kassa een lege transactie doen zodat we eindtijdstip krijgen

save request / redis data to external server S3?

Load testing

  • POST /activate
  • POST /webhook
  • stream (tijdstip) van EPC logs: waar gezien
  • SALE :UNMATCHED - hash (per event/POS) of transactions :MATCHED - has (per event/pos) of matched transactions (EPC + SALE)


  • queue messages

SCAN & UNMATCHED: used for matching

  • remove from UNMATCHED


  • hash (per event) van EPC data

We gebruiken validated tijdstip als tijdstip van verkoop voor de "matching"

Enkele vragen:

  • wnn update/wnn create & webhook faalt (geen 200) hoeveel keer en wanneer opnieuw geprobeerd?
  • hoe snel snyct device? - validated tijdstip is tijdstip van verkoop, te gebruiken voor de "matching"

https://api.weezevent.com/pay/v2/organizations/485376/transactions/actions Client ID: 0RhXkq6rCT8JTJ47u3ai5EH70MJqtdtDdi3rSfWE Client Secret: 7HjARbI8YvXhVNZmXiIo8AvOxH9DHbayEupMKdpy


//Test Scan EPC { "POSID": "62b6db49-0c07-4e8a-ae92-000462b6db49", "tags": [ { "EPC": "330593D1EB7F600000008D24", "first_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:34", "last_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:51", "count": 40 }, { "EPC": "330593D1EB7F6000000003F2", "first_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:36", "last_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:52", "count": 28 }, { "EPC": "330593D1EB7F600000008D14", "first_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:41", "last_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:52", "count": 16 }, { "EPC": "330593D1EB7F600000008D1B", "first_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:43", "last_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:51", "count": 9 }, { "EPC": "330593D1EB7F600000008D2A", "first_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:44", "last_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:51", "count": 12 }, { "EPC": "330593D1EB7F600000008D25", "first_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:46", "last_seen": "2024-03-12 07:58:51", "count": 7 } ] }

Server: Portainer with Redis Stack https://redis-goodless.fanarena.com:9443/ admin sm1819

ssh root@redis-goodless.fanarena.com:9443 backups location: ls -l /data/compose/2/my-redis-data manual backup: sudo tar -czvf my-redis-data-backup.tar.gz /data/compose/2/my-redis-data

scp root@redis-goodless.fanarena.com:/var/lib/docker/my-redis-data-backup.tar.gz ~/Desktop/

TODO automated backups to AWS?

version: '3'
    image: redis/redis-stack-server:latest
    # use REDIS_ARGS for redis-stack-server instead of command arguments
      # - REDIS_ARGS=--save 1200 32
      REDIS_ARGS: "--requirepass bigredisbigresults23"
      # REDISJSON_ARGS: arguments for RedisJSON
      # REDISGRAPH_ARGS: arguments for RedisGraph
      # REDISTIMESERIES_ARGS: arguments for RedisTimeSeries
      # REDISBLOOM_ARGS: arguments for RedisBloom    
      - 6379:6379
      - ./my-redis-data:/data


//TODO Improve Redis save // redis // .multi() // .set("foo", "bar") // .get("foo") // .exec((err, results) => { // // results === [[null, 'OK'], [null, 'bar']] // }); //https://chat.openai.com/c/85148770-5e3c-4ec8-973a-e5e31d67fb69