
Mini blog app

Primary LanguageEJS


// express for route handling

while making this aap,I learn here how routes can be configured, and about call back function like req,res and next. it is more clean and fast approch of making HTTP request and response.

// ejs as view engine

ejs is server sde tempaling Engine. It render HTML . syntax are feels like php codeblock,It embeded javascript in HTML <% basic syntax goes here %> <%= include %> <%- include/escaping black track %>

//mongodb as databse I have use mongodb atlas to save databse and mongoose for interacting with database

//mvc i learn MVC ethodology and how it make code simple and clean

//deployed on Glitch

project page :https://glitch.com/edit/#!/harvest-even-shame live on: https://harvest-even-shame.glitch.me