Pinned Repositories
Developed a Platform-Independent PhoneGap Mobile Application for the catering of farm-grown items directly from NGOs ensuring the quality product and delivery.
Implemented Girvan-Newman Algorithm to detect communities in a graph, using concepts of edge betweenness and modularity changes.
Min-Max game playing (adversarial search) with calibrated look-ahead optimization.
Implemented Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) algorithm using Jaccard Similarity to find similar movies and measure similarity, precision and recall.
Used Perceptron to binarily classify the same set of hotel reviews into given 4 categories with Vanilla perceptron with accuracy 88% and with Averaged perceptron with accuracy 89%.
Recommendation system using Collaborative- Filters: Implemented Model Based CF using Spark MLib, User Based CF and Item Based CF to predict movie ratings for unknown users.
First Order Logic Inference Engine to infer new data from given facts using Unification and Resolution.
Identified the more frequently occurring patterns of factors of road accidents and analyzed them using Data mining algorithms like Apriori with the help of Hadoop framework.
Used Apache Spark MapReduce to implement SON (Limited pass) Algorithm for Market Basket Analysis using Apriori and used three different data sets of MovieLens to test and improve execution times.
Developed a comprehensive travel, entertainment and places search engine using PHP and NodeJS as backend for calling Google/Yelp APIs and getting JSON results.
snehalshirgure's Repositories
Used Apache Spark MapReduce to implement SON (Limited pass) Algorithm for Market Basket Analysis using Apriori and used three different data sets of MovieLens to test and improve execution times.
Implemented Girvan-Newman Algorithm to detect communities in a graph, using concepts of edge betweenness and modularity changes.
Min-Max game playing (adversarial search) with calibrated look-ahead optimization.
Implemented Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) algorithm using Jaccard Similarity to find similar movies and measure similarity, precision and recall.
Recommendation system using Collaborative- Filters: Implemented Model Based CF using Spark MLib, User Based CF and Item Based CF to predict movie ratings for unknown users.
Developed a Platform-Independent PhoneGap Mobile Application for the catering of farm-grown items directly from NGOs ensuring the quality product and delivery.
Used Perceptron to binarily classify the same set of hotel reviews into given 4 categories with Vanilla perceptron with accuracy 88% and with Averaged perceptron with accuracy 89%.
First Order Logic Inference Engine to infer new data from given facts using Unification and Resolution.
Identified the more frequently occurring patterns of factors of road accidents and analyzed them using Data mining algorithms like Apriori with the help of Hadoop framework.
Developed a comprehensive travel, entertainment and places search engine using PHP and NodeJS as backend for calling Google/Yelp APIs and getting JSON results.
Alexa Skill for quizzing about popular coding languages.
Developed a module of Intelligent Survey System on Koding VM for deployment onto Cloud Platform (Amazon Web Services) using Elastic Beanstalk and supervised the running of web services using multi-threading instead of MVC, to increase parallel PHP request efficiency on Cloud by about 25%.
Implemented DGIM Algorithm to estimate number of 0/1s in the data stream and checked for error rate (<50%).
Developed a Part of Speech tagger to tag unseen test set using learned data from a trained tag set with hyper-parameters adjusted on a development set. Used HMM and Viterbi Algorithm to implement training and Laplace smoothing to improve the accuracy of tagging by 10%.
Designed an enriched website design for a restaurant using only HTML5/CSS.
This is the code for the "How to Do Linear Regression the Right Way" live session by Siraj Raval on Youtube
Graph Search and Simulated Annealing techniques to solve a complex derivative of N-Queens Problem.
Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease.
just trying new things
Developed a Naive Bayes Classifier to categorize hotel reviews as Positive or Negative and Fake or True using a large training set to filter words as features accounting for classification, with an accuracy of more than 90%.
Machine Learning Pipelines for Kubeflow
This Alexa Skill Kit sample shows how to build a skill using Dialog Management and Entity Resolution.
An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to build a quiz game skill.
Calculate average movie rating and average rating of each tag on large MovieLens datasets
Used Twitter API tweepy to implement fixed size sampling method(Reservoir Sampling Algorithm) on continuous streaming data.