
A twitter clone project, to help students gain front-end dev chops. Starter (incomplete) code.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tweeter Project

Tweeter is a simple, single-page AJAX based Twitter clone. HTML, CSS3, SASS & JQuery have been used to create the front-end.

Final Product

  1. Desktop view "Desktop view"

  2. Tablet & cellphone view "Tablet view"

  3. Tweet form "Tweet form"

  4. Tweet "Tweet"


  • body-parser
  • chance
  • express
  • md5
  • sass

Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies using the npm install command.
  2. Start the web server using the npm start command. The app will be served at http://localhost:8080/.
  3. Go to http://localhost:8080/ in Google Chrome or Safari browsers.
  4. Tweet form slides down by clicking on the bouncy white arrows and user can directly start typing their tweet.
  5. Tweets cannot exceed 140 characters and cannot be empty or all spaces. User will be alerted if these conditions are not met.
  6. Scroll down to see existing tweets in the database.
  7. Scroll all the way up by clicking the up button on the bottom of the screen.

Known issues

  1. App has only been tested in Google Chrome and Safari so far therefore behavior could be unexpected in other browsers.
  2. The flag, retweet and heart icons cannot be interacted with at this time.