
Reproducing the results of fig3

fanyue322 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Authors,

I am trying to reproduce the results of Fig3, I was able to run and finish almost all steps except

utils_GWAS.plot_enrichment_per_gene_linked_tiles_peaks([pbmc_ukbb_file], ukbb_file, sqtl_dir)

which reports the following error:

Cutoff: 2.5892340675066318e-18 4.2585941105310803e-110
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/yuef2/project/ATAC/MISAR-seq/GWAS_finemapping/scripts/", line 240, in plot_enrichment_per_gene_linked_tiles_peaks
    df_cutoffs = calc_and_plot_enrichment_recall(merged_df, pip=0.2, n_link_cutoffs=n_link_cutoffs_hvg)
  File "/home/yuef2/project/ATAC/MISAR-seq/GWAS_finemapping/scripts/", line 190, in calc_and_plot_enrichment_recall
    df_cutoff = get_bootstrapped_df(e_df)
  File "/home/yuef2/project/ATAC/MISAR-seq/GWAS_finemapping/scripts/", line 162, in get_bootstrapped_df
    bootstrap_ci_s = scipy.stats.bootstrap((df[df['method']=='SCARlink'][['enrichment', 'recall', 'precision']].values,), lambda x: np.mean(x, axis=0), n_resamples=1000, confidence_level=0.95, random_state=9, method='basic') 
  File "/home/yuef2/miniconda3/envs/scarlink-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/stats/", line 470, in bootstrap
    theta_hat_b.append(statistic(*resampled_data, axis=-1))
TypeError: <lambda>() got an unexpected keyword argument 'axis'

I have installed all packages as the tutorial, any clue about solving this issue?

Best regards.

Fig3 notebook requires pyranges and pyarrow. Were any of the installed packages updated while installing these two packages? Can you list the versions of all the installed packages?