
MonTra is a simple yet efficient CLI-Based Finance Tracker made in Python. Easily track your incomes and expenses with just a few commands.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


MonTra is a simple yet efficient CLI-Based Finance Tracker based on Python. Easily track your incomes and expenses with just a few commands.


  • Intuitive and easy command structure.
  • Command Line Interface for high performance with low power consumption.
  • Data Visualisation of your incomes and expenses.
  • Uses Python's powerful data analysis and visualisation libraries.
  • Uses CSV files for facilitating data manipulation and data storage.
  • Platform Independent.
  • Free and Open Source Software.
  • Lightweight.

Python Libraries Used

The following Python Libraries(external) are used in MonTra -

  • Pandas - to carry out major data manipulation tasks. Install Pandas - pip install pandas
  • NumPy - to carry out basic data manipulation tasks. Install NumPy - pip install NumPy
  • Matplotlib - for data visualisation. Install Matplotib - pip install matplotlib
  • Tabulate - to render DataFrame in MySQL table format. Install Tabulate - pip install tabulate

List of Commands


  • Commands are same for both the editions - Household and Enterprise.
  • MonTra commands are case-sensitive, be careful while typing any commands.
Command Structure Usage Example
table_name : Month : Category = amount entering the value income : Apr : Sales = 101
table_name : Month : Category + amount editing the value by adding income : Apr : Sales + 101
table_name : Month : Category - amount editing the value by subtracting income : Apr : Sales - 101
table_name : Month : Category * amount editing the value by multiplying income : Apr : Sales * 101
table_name : Month : Category / amount editing the value by dividing income : Apr : Sales / 101


  • month and category should be capitalised as shown in the example above and separation from spaces and colon is required.
  • use the amount editing/updating commands only if there is some value existing in a given month and category, do not use it on NaN.
Commands Function
new session Creates a new session by resetting all data
avg tables Shows the annual average of all incomes and expenses
avg income plot Plots annual average of all incomes
avg expense plot Plots annual average of all expenses
plot Observe the trends of income and/or expense categories
help Shows this help
show Shows the Income and Expense Tables
save Saves the changes in Income and Expense tables
exit Asks to save the changes in Income and Expense tables and exits MonTra
credits Shows the name of the developers


Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

