This repo contains multiple folders, under which you will find issues and bugs. You can start working on any of the projects and create PR's for them.
HacktoberFest '19 by DigitalOcean Links to other issues tagged #hacktoberfest which you can work on
As this repo will be forked by multiple people, make sure to navigate to the "Issues" section and claim the issue/comment on it so that other people do not work on it.
Fork this repository by clicking the 'Fork' button.
Open your fork, and click on "Clone or Download"
Copy the URL that shows up. You can download it as a ZIP, but it could lead to issues if you're not familiar with git.
Clone this repository to your local filesystem.
git clone <Enter-your-fork's-url-here>
#Starting by using git:
Copy the link of the forked repository which is to be cloned.
Open git bash in the desired folder
type: git clone "address which was earlier copied"
Make the required changes which you want to do.
After saving it open bash again and type: git add --all
Then type: git commit -m "Here mention what you've done"
type: git push ```
After cloning, navigate to the issue that you resolve and start coding!
After saving your code, run the following commands.
git remote add upstream git fetch upstream git checkout master git merge upstream/master git push
Now your code has been successfully synced to master, and is ready to be merged.
Head over to this repo
Navigate to the Pull Requests tab, and create your Pull Request.