Python application to solve Sudoku puzzle and overlays solution on to real image in real-time.
This project is solely inspired from AnhMinhTran's Youtube Video.
In general Sudoku is solved using Backtracking approch, which is a bruteforce approch.
Here we are using Greedy Best First Search approch (An optimised version of Naive Back Tracking method) ie; Chooses a cell with least number of possibilities to search next.
Step-1: Install all required libraries in requirements.txt
or directly run pip install -r requirements.txt
Step-2: Directly run all cells of Sudoku testing.ipynb
file. It does all the imports by itself.
Step-3: Nothing else, just get your Sudoku puzzle in front of your camera and solutions will be relayed over their respective positions.
Step-4: To stop the camera, click 'Q' on keyboard.
I had trained a custom model for Number prediction. You can use either the existing one or a model of your own.
For solving sudoku:
Tech With Tim:
Sudoku extraction from image: (with python code)
Solving Sudoku Part1:
Solving Sudoku Part2:
Code Reference:
Taha Emara:
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