
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


This repo contains several unfinished contributions for Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection I've written over the years.


Click on a puzzle to read a detailed description.

Place letters according to the numbers. Identical letters cannot touch.
Place each number once to create a path.
Find the fleet in the grid.
Shade several cells in the hexagonal grid while making sure each cell has another shaded cell below it.
Fill in the grid with red and blue clusters, with all dead ends given.
Place each number according to the arithmetic clues.
Fill the grid with arrows leading to a goal.
Place each character once in every row and column. Some squares remain empty.
Connect all hubs using horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.
Fill in the grid with horizontal and vertical line segments.

Abandoned puzzles

  • Seismic: Place numbers in each area, keeping enough distance between equal numbers.
  • Crossing: Place each number from the list into the crossword.

Building with CMake

  • Get the source code for the SGT Portable Puzzle Collection from the official site.
  • Copy this folder into the above source folder as a subdirectory. Alternatively, add this repository as a submodule of the main repository.
  • In the main repository's CMakeLists.txt, go to the line with add_subdirectory(unfinished) and add the following line below it:
add_subdirectory(puzzles-unreleased) # or whatever this folder is called
  • Run CMake in the main folder.
  • Optional: To add icons on Unix, copy all save files from the savefiles subfolder to the icons folder in the main repository.

More information can be found in the original collection's README.

Any bugfixes/contributions/suggestions welcome!


Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Lennard Sprong

Based on Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection. MIT Licence