
An open-wc powered To Do application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Open-wc Starter App

Built with open-wc recommendations


To get started:

git clone https://github.com/open-wc/open-wc-starter-app.git
cd open-wc-starter-app

npm install
npm start

Live demo on Netlify.


  • start runs your app with auto reload for development, it only works on browsers which support modules for faster builds
  • start:es5 runs your app for development, it only works on browsers that don't support modules (IE11)
  • build builds your app for production and outputs it in the /dist folder
  • start:build runs your built app using a plain web server, to prove it works without magic 😃
  • build:stats creates an analysis report of your app bundle to be consumed by Webpack Visualizer and Analyser
  • test runs your test suite
  • lint runs the linter for your project