
User registration and profile forms for the Plone CMS

Primary LanguagePython


This package provide the registration form for new users using z3c.form_ forms. It allows the site administrator to select fields from a schema to appear on the registration form.

Overriding / extending the default schema

Thanks to FormExtenders, the form can be manipulated in many ways. The following example is from collective.examples.userdata, see there for more information.

Overriding userdata form fields

We can register a IFormExtender to add fields and modify the form. First register it in the ZCML:

  provides="plone.z3cform.fieldsets.interfaces.IFormExtender" />

Where the customschemachema.py contains:

from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
from zope.component import adapter
from zope.interface import Interface

from z3c.form.field import Fields

from plone.app.users.browser.userdatapanel import UserDataPanel
from plone.supermodel import model
from plone.z3cform.fieldsets import extensible

class IEnhancedUserDataSchema(model.Schema):
    . . . all the custom fields to add . . .

@adapter(Interface, IDefaultBrowserLayer, UserDataPanel)
class UserDataPanelExtender(extensible.FormExtender):
    def update(self):
        fields = Fields(IEnhancedUserDataSchema)
        self.add(fields, prefix="IEnhancedUserDataSchema")

Storing / retreiving custom fields

To store the values alongside default fields, we need to add fields to profiles/default/memberdata_properties.xml. For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_memberdata" meta_type="Plone Memberdata Tool">
  <property name="country" type="string"></property>

Before values can be read and written, there needs to be a data manager to fetch the values. The default manager will read/write any field defined in the schema, so most of the work is done for you:

from plone.app.users.browser.account import AccountPanelSchemaAdapter

class EnhancedUserDataSchemaAdapter(AccountPanelSchemaAdapter):
    schema = IEnhancedUserDataSchema

If you want to do something different, add a property for that field to override the default behavior.

Finally, register the data manager in ZCML:


For more information, see collective.examples.userdata.