
Small project to create some basic generally useful HealthChecks for Umbraco projects. Project is not intended to develop any project/application specific HealthChecks.

##Umbraco Test Site - Details


###HumansTxtExists Test if a humans.txt file exists in the website root directory. If the file doesn't exist a skeleton file will be created with the following content:

# The humans responsible & technology colophon


    <name> -- <role> -- <twitter>




    CSS3, HTML5
    Apache Server Configs, jQuery, Modernizr, Normalize.css

See for more information.

###RobotsTxtExists Test if a robots.txt file exists in the website root directory. If the file doesn't exist a skeleton file will be created with the following content:

User-agent: *   # match all bots

# Disallow: /   # keep them out. Remove on go live!

# The following directories are all linked to in the frontend, but we probably don't want them indexed.
Disallow: / css
Disallow: / Css
Disallow: / less
Disallow: / Less
Disallow: / media
Disallow: / Media
Disallow: / scripts
Disallow: / Scripts
Disallow: / umbraco
Disallow: / Umbraco