
A demo Umbraco Belle 'textbox multiple' datatype, that has a character limit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A demo character limited Umbraco Belle 'textbox multiple' datatype.


The last task of the Umbraco AngularJS/Belle workshop in London last week (6 September 2013), was to build our own datatype. I decided on a textarea with a configurable character limit, as this is something we repeatedly find useful at Blueprint Web Tech. I also decided I would like to be able to unit test the new datatype using Karma/Jamine, as the Angular JS tutorials I've played around with impress the importance of this as good practise.


  • Windows 7 SP1 VM
  • Visual Studio Pro 2010
  • IIS 7.5
  • SQL Server 2008 R2
  • Node JS 0.10.18
  • Karma 0.10.2
  • Umbraco: UmbracoCms.7.0.0-build.66


  1. Install Node JS and Karma (see above) - done

  2. Build demo datatype - done

  3. Get a test or two running to show Node/Karma/Jasmine running, perhaps testing true equals true - done, see Test 1 and Test 2

  4. Build some proper tests, see Test 3.

  5. Install Node JS and Karma

  1. I visited http://nodejs.org and clicked on the big green install button.

  2. This allowed me to install Karma using the command npm install -g karma.

  3. Build demo datatype

This is done, and seems to work OK with the following features (see images below):

  • Configurable character limit.
  • Number of characters used and character limit are displayed to the user.
  • Exceeding the character limit turns the the property editor label and text below the user input red. In the background AngularJS sets model.value to undefined.
  • If the user attempts to save/publish the node whilst exceeding the character limit, then a big red horizontal bar across the top of the node indicates the 'property has errors'. I guess Umbraco does this for us.

Configuring the character limit

Editing data, whilst not exceeding the character limit

Editing data, and exceeding the character limit

Attempting to save data whilst exceeding the character limit

  1. Get a test or two running to demonstrate Node/Karma/Jasmine installed OK

My Jasmine tests are all contained in the test directory, and I initiate the tests from a command prompt with a working directory at the root of my datatype (i.e. /App_Plugins/BwtTextboxMultipleCharacterLimited):

> test\test.bat

If I just run Test 1 and Test 2 by commenting Test 3 in unit_02.js I get the following output:

> test\test.bat
WARN [config]: config.configure() is deprecated, please use config.set() instead
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.10.2 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Windows 7)]: Connected on socket pBV5RueOkA8cU8O_AgxQ
PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Windows 7): Executed 2 of 2 SUCCESS (0.172 secs / 0.006 secs)

Hence, I think I have a working node/karma setup.

My config file is essentially what I found at:


although I have made a few amendments to account for different paths found in the nightly, and to add my unit tests.

  1. Build some proper tests - currently stuck!

This is were the problems begin!

First I added an empty Test 3 (unit_02.js). This doesn't throw any errors, so I think the way I am introducing this test is OK.

My next step is to add bits of Test 3 one by one.

Because I don't know if I need to mock the assetService, or at this stage know how to mock the assetsService, I removed reference to it in my controller BwtTextboxMultipleCharacterLimitedController i.e. I register my controller in BwtTextboxMultipleCharacterLimited.controller.js with:

			function ($scope) {

and comment the assetsService.loadCss line.

In Test 3 I now am able to instantiate Ctrl and scope, and initialise the controller with a mock scope. Running the tests yields the same result as shown above in 3).

My next step is to introduce the c = true and test c === true code block. I do this to check I have properly configured the controller in this test. It seems I haven't, as running the tests at this stage yields the following error:

> test\test.bat
WARN [config]: config.configure() is deprecated, please use config.set() instead
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.10.2 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Windows 7)]: Connected on socket OfFLvInLy_vS2p5qGoMS
PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Windows 7) Test 3 Controller: BwtTextboxMultipleCharacterLimite
dController Set 'c = true' and test if c = true FAILED
		Error: No module: blueimp.fileupload
			at c:/inetpub/wwwSites/umbraco-ang-lab.local/website/Umbraco/lib/ang
			at ensure (c:/inetpub/wwwSites/umbraco-ang-lab.local/website/Umbraco
			at module (c:/inetpub/wwwSites/umbraco-ang-lab.local/website/Umbraco
			at c:/inetpub/wwwSites/umbraco-ang-lab.local/website/Umbraco/lib/ang
PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Windows 7): Executed 3 of 3 (1 FAILED) (0.188 secs / 0.013 secs

I suspect my karma config file karma.conf as I've just blindly used this, and also how I've set up the controller in Test 3 (unit_02.js), but I'm out of ideas at the moment. If anyone has any pointers I'd be very grateful.

Ultimately, I guess I would like to test:

  • loading the datatype pulls back model.value as saved by Umbraco. I guess I need to mock this service?
  • exceeding the character limit sets model.value to undefined
  • any other ideas?


A character limit should be a positive integer, but I wasn't able to set this:

	preValueEditor: {
		fields: [
				label: 'Character limit',
				description: 'Enter an integer character limit.',
				key: 'characterLimit',
				view: 'integer'

as the property wouldn't appear when editing the node. This same error happened when setting the view as a textstring. I guess in both instances this is because there is no integer/textarea view in /Umbraco/Views/preValueEditors? My solution was to use a textarea as this is just a demo.