xmreuse formatted for Firebase hosting.
npm install -g firebase-tools && firebase serve --only hosting,functions
Works with Node.js v9. grpc
, a dependency, will not build under Node.js v10 without some hacking.
Install firebase-tools:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Install local dependencies from within /functions
cd functions
npm install
Test locally from the repository root:
firebase serve --only hosting,functions # emulates local hosting code and local functions code
(must use the --only ...
flag to serve latest content)
Login to Firebase prior to deployment:
firebase login
(must have been added as a contributor to the Firebase project xmreuse
firebase serve --only hosting,functions
Serves the webpage and API locally
firebase deploy --only hosting
firebase deploy --only functions
Use firebase deploy --only functions:function
to deploy just function
Encrypted with sneurlax's AES passphrase:
openssl aes-256-cbc -in xmreuse-firebase-adminsdk-y70sg-06f6efcb9f.json -out xmreuse-firebase-adminsdk-y70sg-06f6efcb9f.json.enc
Decrypt with:
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in xmreuse-firebase-adminsdk-y70sg-06f6efcb9f.json.enc -out xmreuse-firebase-adminsdk-y70sg-06f6efcb9f.json
/* See data at https://console.firebase.google.com/project/xmreuse/database/firestore/data
* xmreuse
* ├── pool: collection
* · ├── Nanopool: document // Pool name
* · ├── api: string = true // API url
* ├── ceiling: number = 1550003 // Highest (maximum) block height mined by pool
* ├── finds: number = 1399 // Number of blocks scraped as mined by pool
* ├── floor: number = 1461842 // Lowest (minimum) block height mined by pool
* ├── format: string = 'nanopool' // Pool API format, eg. 'poolui,' 'node-cryptonote-pool,' 'nanopool,' etc.
* ├── height: number = 1558898 // Blockchain height of mining pool daemon
* ├── blocks: collection // Blocks scraped as mined by pool
* │ ├── coinbase_outs: array = ['679ea5a1bd01553d79361d61471d9503ec36ac858c53b1671b5bfefb16041c33'] // Array of coinbase output public keys
* │ └── miner_tx_hash: string = 390993f25e478b43b4e2ca8df73d8ea1d15473902a643f44db34709117a4e0db // Txid of coinbase transaction
* ├── coinbase_outs: collection // Coinbase outputs scraped as mined by pool
* │ ├── 008ef36a18b113f93224b00aa07d4981d6a5923bfed8ea65e5d22f7c56ba1632: document // Coinbase output public key
* │ · └── height: number = 1547572 // Blockheight from which this output was mined
* ├── coinbases: collection // Coinbases (coinbase transactions, eg. miner_tx_hash(es)) scraped as mined by pool
* │ ├── 00349c6cd5368c08e54c448b8dbcd9e31b796dee9e1879b7e63d6f322b92d8b0: document // Transaction ID (miner_tx_hash)
* │ · └── height: number = 1461842 // Blockheight of transcation
* ├── txs: collection // Transactions scraped as mined by pool
* │ ├── 00349c6cd5368c08e54c448b8dbcd9e31b796dee9e1879b7e63d6f322b92d8b0: document // Transaction ID
* │ · └── key_indices: object // Absolute and relative indices of transaction inputs
* ·
If stack size is exceeded, use node --stack-size=30000000