This is a Maven plugin designed to help developers automatizing the creation of code classes from YML files based on AsyncApi and OpenAPI.
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[AsyncAPI] Referencing schemas or messages from a local file leads to an error
#344 opened by arthureberledev - 2
Fix responses with no body return Void
#336 opened by carlosaf-sngular - 1
[AsyncAPI] Transform snake_case to camelCase
#343 opened by arthureberledev - 6
- 2
Issue in tests: duplicated method "defaultValue" in testComplexAnyOf
#317 opened by rafaelgonzalezsimon - 2
Support for Multipart
#328 opened by oscar-ares - 1
[AsyncAPI] Only generate model classes without the interfaces and publisher/subscriber methods
#342 opened by arthureberledev - 3
Generating Springwolf annotations
#346 opened by ismail-bertalfilali - 2
AsyncApi version 3.0.0 is not supported
#347 opened by i-vasilev - 10
- 0
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Gradle configuration does not generate classes
#338 opened by slin86 - 0
useTimeType could not be set in gradle configuration
#339 opened by slin86 - 1
Generated Avro class imports use model package instead of Avro schema namespace
#333 opened by MarcosFreireSngular - 0
Support for security schemes
#334 opened by davidgayoso - 1
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Differences creating AsyncAPI Message Java classes between Multiapi v4 and v5
#330 opened by malon875875 - 0
Support for fragmented files
#327 opened by davidgayoso - 1
Bug: processReference method unable to process references to files ending in .yaml
#325 opened by MF-patino - 3
enum generation
#319 opened by neinoi - 7
Bug: SCS MultiAPI Generator keeps returning error because "pathName" is null
#323 opened by malon875875 - 0
Issue in test resources at formating code
#318 opened by rafaelgonzalezsimon - 0
Bad ApiRestClient Generation
#315 opened by RobertoSngular - 6
Bug: No support for special char in emum
#311 opened by bibiboss - 4
Enhancement: Generate channels values
#313 opened by bibiboss - 0
Error generating Reactive Client
#302 opened by jmejutovazquez - 2
fail to execute a file
#309 opened by RobertoSngular - 2
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Question: Support for asyncapi v3
#308 opened by tux4ever - 7
asyncApi String with format date or datetime
#299 opened by devNbis - 1
Integrate Pact Builder DSL library
#301 opened by apenlor - 0
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[AsyncApi] $ref resultion are always a class
#293 opened by devNbis - 11
Sample of asyncApi not generated. End with java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Stack overflow during pattern compilation near index 1 ([./])
#292 opened by devNbis - 8
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Error when executing asyncapi-generation
#294 opened by landoephan - 5
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Error raised when try to generate an ASYNC-API model with selfreferences schema objects
#290 opened by amondacaSN - 7
[AsyncAPI] Message payload missing all properties except for referenced schema property
#279 opened by gaby-roland - 1
Issue with customvalidators generation
#277 opened by amondacaSN - 4
#268 opened by jgonzalezlawyer - 0
[OpenApi] Issue build maps
#272 opened by jemacineiras - 11
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[AsyncAPI] CompilationFailureException when using integer minimum and maximum
#270 opened by gaby-roland - 1
Inmutable schemas
#269 opened by jgonzalezlawyer - 1
[AsyncApi] Print a class as json
#262 opened by alfredo9f - 1
Supplier/Producer code is generated exclusively
#265 opened by novaross - 3
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[OpenApi] When $ref is used in response it produces a ReponseEntity<Void>
#259 opened by jemacineiras