This is some quick info about the Mavenization (m10n) of Cocoon 2.2. There are also some Daisy documentation pages about this, for more "stable" information: PREREQUISITES ------------- You need a JDK, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, or 1.7.x. When experimenting with trunk, 1.5.x is probably the best bet. Maven 2 must be installed (at least 2.0.9). MAVEN REPOSITORY MIRRORS ------------------------ Using a Maven mirror isn't necessary anymore. HOW TO BUILD THE COCOON WEBAPP ------------------------------ Since Cocoon release 2.2, Cocoon relies on Maven 2 for its build process. To build Cocoon, use the following command: $ ./ install In case of any failures, repeat command as necessary till you see the message: BUILD SUCCESSFUL If you have consistent build failures due to a missing cocoon-rcl artefact, then run first $ cd ../tools $ mvn clean install If you have build failures due to out-of-memory conditions, increase the JVM maximum memory limit in $ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256m" HOW TO MOUNT THE PROJECTS IN ECLIPSE ------------------------------------ from /trunk, run $ ./ eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse Next go to eclipse, and make sure you haven't got trunk mounted as a project already. Also remove .classpath and .project files possibly remaining in /trunk from a previous project mount. Do File-Import->Existing projects into workspace, then point to your trunk directory and it should detect the newly created blocks as projects. Note that you need to declare the M2_REPO classpath variable in your workspace, it should point to your local m2 repository. You can also get eclipse to download the sources of the dependent libraries and attach them to the jars in eclipse : $ mvn -Declipse.downloadSources=true eclipse:eclipse For further information about the maven eclipse plugin visit HOW TO MOUNT THE PROJECTS IN INTELLIJ ------------------------------------ First, build all the projects as described above. Next, from /trunk, run $ mvn -P allblocks idea:idea In IntelliJ select File - Open Project... Navigate to the trunk directory and select cocoon.ipr. For further information about the maven idea plugin visit HOW TO START THE COCOON WEBAPP ------------------------------ Checkout complete trunk and build it. If clean rebuild is desired, use command: $ ./ clean install Call this until you get "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" - sometimes downloads from maven repositories are temporarily unaccessible and cause the build to fail. To start Cocoon within Jetty, use command: $ Point your browser to http://localhost:8888/ (Don't use jetty:run-exploded as in this case the jetty6 plugin will alter the webapp build by the Cocoon deployer again!) HOW TO DEBUG THE COCOON WEBAPP ------------------------------ To start Cocoon with JVM debug enabled, use command: $ debug Then tell your IDE to connect to JVM debug on port localhost:5005.