
Automated Amazon Giveaways using Python3 & Pyppeteer :gift: :snake:

Primary LanguagePython


[UPDATE] Base no requirement giveaways are implemented for first page. Need to include page iteration next. Should have more time to work on this now that I am not in class 04/29.

Implementation for this project is currently a work-in-progress. Issues are expected.


Python 3.6.x must be installed.

After Python is installed, open command-prompt and use pip to install dependencies from project folder:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Assuming git is installed on the local machine:

  • Open command-prompt and cd to a location/folder to save the project.
  • Perform git clone https://github.com/zdrouse/Auto-Amazon-Giveaways.


  • python give_it_away_now.py or python3 give_it_away_now.py

