is a internal Terraform module to provision a SNS topic with Subscription that triggers a Lambda Function based on the cloudwatch events using targets. It can also create custom CloudWatch events.
This Module allows simple and rapid deployment
- Creates Lambda function, Lambda Layer, IAM Policies, Triggers, and Subscriptions
- Creates (or use existing) SNS Topic, CloudWatch Log Group and Log Group Stream
- Options:
- Create CloudWatch Event for trigerring SNS
- Python function editable in repository and in Lambda UI
- Python dependencies packages in Lambda Layers zip
Pushes the alerts from cloudwatch for all the services to SNS as a target which inturn triggers the lambda function.
- Enhances the value of CloudWatch Logs by enabling easy entry creation from any service, function and script that can send SNS notifications
- Enables cloud-init, bootstraps and functions to easily write log entries to a centralized CloudWatch Log
- Simplifies troubleshooting of solutions with decentralized logic
- scripts and functions spread across instances, Lambda and services
- Easily add instrumentation to scripts:
aws sns publish --topic-arn $TOPIC_ARN --message $LOG_ENTRY
- Use with IAM instance policy requires
--region $AWS_REGION
- Use with IAM instance policy requires
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
aws_region | Region where AWS resources are located | string | - | yes |
sns_topic_name | Name of SNS Topic to be logged by Gateway | string | - | yes |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
create_sns_topic | Create new SNS topic | string | true |
no |
lambda_func_name | Name for Lambda Function | string | dynamically calculated | no |
lambda_description | Lambda Function Description | string | Gets Triggered based on SNS |
no |
lambda_tags | Mapping of Tags to assign to Lambda function | map | {} |
no |
lambda_publish_func | Publish Lambda Function | string | false |
no |
lambda_runtime | Lambda runtime for Function | string | python3.7 |
no |
lambda_timeout | Function time-out (seconds) | string | 3 |
no |
lambda_mem_size | Function RAM assigned (MB) | string | 128 |
no |
create_cloudwatch_events | CloudWatch Trigger for console-access Event created | string | false |
no |
Step 1: Clone this repo : "git clone https://main.gitlab.in.here.com/poit/cedm/mumbai-techops/terraform-chatops.git"
Step 2: Initialize the Terraform state:
$ terraform init
Step 3: Plan the Deployment
$ terraform plan -out chatops-tf
This will prompt for the following :
var.aws_region Region where AWS resources will be created.
Enter a value:
Enter your region : ex: 'us-east-2'
var.sns_topic_name Name of SNS Topic logging to CloudWatch Log.
Enter a value:
Enter your SNS topic name : ex: 'SNS-LAMBDA'
Step 4: We can apply the plan now
$ terraform apply "chatops-tf"
<= data "aws_iam_policy_document" "sns_topic_policy" { + id = (known after apply) + json = (known after apply)
+ statement {
+ actions = [
+ "SNS:Publish",
+ effect = "Allow"
+ resources = [
+ (known after apply),
+ principals {
+ identifiers = [
+ "events.amazonaws.com",
+ type = "Service"
- resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "console-access" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- description = "Capture each AWS Console Sign In"
- event_pattern = jsonencode( { + detail-type = [ + "AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail", ] } )
- id = (known after apply)
- is_enabled = true
- name = "capture-aws-sign-in" }
- resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "ec2-running-status" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- description = "Capture each ec2 running status in the region"
- event_pattern = jsonencode( { + detail = { + state = [ + "running", ] } + detail-type = [ + "EC2 Instance State-change Notification", ] + source = [ + "aws.ec2", ] } )
- id = (known after apply)
- is_enabled = true
- name = "capture-ec2-running-status" }
- resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "console-access" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- id = (known after apply)
- rule = "capture-aws-sign-in"
- target_id = "SendToSNS" }
- resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "ec2-running-status" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- id = (known after apply)
- rule = "capture-ec2-running-status"
- target_id = "SendToSNS" }
- resource "aws_iam_role" "iam_for_lambda_with_sns" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- assume_role_policy = jsonencode( { + Statement = [ + { + Action = "sts:AssumeRole" + Effect = "Allow" + Principal = { + Service = "lambda.amazonaws.com" } + Sid = "" }, ] + Version = "2012-10-17" } )
- create_date = (known after apply)
- force_detach_policies = false
- id = (known after apply)
- max_session_duration = 3600
- name = "lambda-lambda_function-sns-lambda-tests"
- path = "/"
- unique_id = (known after apply) }
- resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "lambda_cloudwatch_logs_polcy" {
- id = (known after apply)
- name = "lambda-lambda_function-policy-sns-lambda-tests"
- policy = jsonencode( { + Statement = [ + { + Action = [ + "logs:PutLogEvents", + "logs:CreateLogStream", + "logs:CreateLogGroup", ] + Effect = "Allow" + Resource = "*" + Sid = "" }, ] + Version = "2012-10-17" } )
- role = (known after apply) }
- resource "aws_lambda_function" "sns_lambda" {
arn = (known after apply)
description = "lambda function triggered from sns"
filename = "./lambda.zip"
function_name = "lambda_function"
handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
id = (known after apply)
invoke_arn = (known after apply)
last_modified = (known after apply)
memory_size = 512
publish = false
qualified_arn = (known after apply)
reserved_concurrent_executions = -1
role = (known after apply)
runtime = "python3.7"
source_code_hash = "MwznP/dsrRQYbK25UwBdTVdvJvkTShbWhMxRJ/OcI+Q="
source_code_size = (known after apply)
timeout = 3
version = (known after apply)
tracing_config {
- mode = (known after apply) } }
- resource "aws_lambda_permission" "lambda_with_sns" {
- action = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
- function_name = "lambda_function"
- id = (known after apply)
- principal = "sns.amazonaws.com"
- source_arn = (known after apply)
- statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromSNS" }
- resource "aws_sns_topic" "sns_log_topic" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- id = (known after apply)
- name = "sns-lambda-tests"
- policy = (known after apply) }
- resource "aws_sns_topic_policy" "sns_topic_policy" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- id = (known after apply)
- policy = (known after apply) }
- resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "lambda" {
- arn = (known after apply)
- confirmation_timeout_in_minutes = 1
- endpoint = (known after apply)
- endpoint_auto_confirms = false
- id = (known after apply)
- protocol = "lambda"
- raw_message_delivery = false
- topic_arn = (known after apply) }
Plan: 11 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.