
Venom run executors (script, HTTP Request, etc... ) and assertions

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Venom run executors (script, HTTP Request, etc... ) and assertions. It can also output xUnit results files.

Venom Demonstration

Commmand Line

Install with:

$ go get github.com/runabove/venom
$ go install github.com/runabove/venom/cli/venom
$ venom run -h
Run Tests

  venom run [flags]

      --details string        Output Details Level : low, medium, high (default "medium")
      --env                   Inject environment variables. export FOO=BAR -> you can use {{.FOO}} in your tests (default true)
      --exclude stringSlice   --exclude filaA.yaml --exclude filaB.yaml --exclude fileC*.yaml
      --format string         --format:yaml, json, xml (default "xml")
      --log string            Log Level : debug, info or warn (default "warn")
      --output-dir string     Output Directory: create tests results file inside this directory
      --parallel int          --parallel=2 : launches 2 Test Suites in parallel (default 1)
      --resume                Output Resume: one line with Total, TotalOK, TotalKO, TotalSkipped, TotalTestSuite (default true)
      --resumeFailures        Output Resume Failures (default true)
      --var stringSlice       --var cds='cds -f config.json' --var cds2='cds -f config.json'

TestSuite files


name: Title of TestSuite
- name: TestCase with default value, exec cmd. Check if exit code != 1
  - script: echo 'foo'
    type: exec

- name: Title of First TestCase
  - script: echo 'foo'
    - result.code ShouldEqual 0
  - script: echo 'bar'
    - result.systemout ShouldNotContainSubstring foo
    - result.timeseconds ShouldBeLessThan 1

- name: GET http testcase, with 5 seconds timeout
  - type: http
    method: GET
    url: https://eu.api.ovh.com/1.0/
    timeout: 5
    - result.body ShouldContainSubstring /dedicated/server
    - result.body ShouldContainSubstring /ipLoadbalancing
    - result.statuscode ShouldEqual 200
    - result.timeseconds ShouldBeLessThan 1

- name: Test with retries and delay in seconds between each try
  - type: http
    method: GET
    url: https://eu.api.ovh.com/1.0/
    retry: 3
    delay: 2
    - result.statuscode ShouldEqual 200

Using variables and reuse results

name: MyTestSuiteTmpl
  api.foo: 'http://api/foo'
  second: 'venomWithTmpl'

- name: testA
  - type: exec
    script: echo '{{.api.foo}}'
    - result.code ShouldEqual 0
    - result.systemout ShouldEqual http://api/foo

- name: testB
  - type: exec
    script: echo 'XXX{{.testA.result.systemout}}YYY'
    - result.code ShouldEqual 0
    - result.systemout ShouldEqual XXXhttp://api/fooYYY

Extract variable from results and reuse it in step after

name: MyTestSuite
- name: testA
  - type: exec
    script: echo 'foo with a bar here'
      result.systemout: foo with a {{myvariable=[a-z]+}} here

- name: testB
  - type: exec
    script: echo {{.testA.myvariable}}
    - result.code ShouldEqual 0
    - result.systemout ShouldContainSubstring bar

RUN Venom locally on CDS Integration Tests

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ovh/cds/tests
venom run --var cdsro='cds -f $HOME/.cds/it.user.ro.json' --var cds='cds -f $HOME/.cds/it.user.rw.json' --parallel=5

RUN Venom, with an export xUnit

venom run  --details=low --format=xml --output-dir="."




  • ShouldEqual
  • ShouldNotEqual
  • ShouldAlmostEqual
  • ShouldNotAlmostEqual
  • ShouldResemble
  • ShouldNotResemble
  • ShouldPointTo
  • ShouldNotPointTo
  • ShouldBeNil
  • ShouldNotBeNil
  • ShouldBeTrue
  • ShouldBeFalse
  • ShouldBeZeroValue
  • ShouldBeGreaterThan
  • ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo
  • ShouldBeLessThan
  • ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo
  • ShouldBeBetween
  • ShouldNotBeBetween
  • ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual
  • ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual
  • ShouldContain
  • ShouldNotContain
  • ShouldContainKey
  • ShouldNotContainKey
  • ShouldBeIn
  • ShouldNotBeIn
  • ShouldBeEmpty
  • ShouldNotBeEmpty
  • ShouldHaveLength
  • ShouldStartWith
  • ShouldNotStartWith
  • ShouldEndWith
  • ShouldNotEndWith
  • ShouldBeBlank
  • ShouldNotBeBlank
  • ShouldContainSubstring
  • ShouldNotContainSubstring
  • ShouldEqualWithout
  • ShouldEqualTrimSpace
  • ShouldHappenBefore
  • ShouldHappenOnOrBefore
  • ShouldHappenAfter
  • ShouldHappenOnOrAfter
  • ShouldHappenBetween
  • ShouldHappenOnOrBetween
  • ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween
  • ShouldHappenWithin
  • ShouldNotHappenWithin
  • ShouldBeChronological

Write your executor

An executor have to implement this interface

// Executor execute a testStep.
type Executor interface {
	// Run run a Test Step
	Run(ctx context.Content, venom.Logger, TestStep) (ExecutorResult, error)


// Name of executor
const Name = "myexecutor"

// New returns a new Executor
func New() venom.Executor {
	return &Executor{}

// Executor struct
type Executor struct {
	Command string `json:"command,omitempty" yaml:"command,omitempty"`

// Result represents a step result
type Result struct {
	Code        int    `json:"code,omitempty" yaml:"code,omitempty"`
	Command     string `json:"command,omitempty" yaml:"command,omitempty"`
	Systemout   string   `json:"systemout,omitempty" yaml:"systemout,omitempty"` // put in testcase.Systemout by venom if present
	Systemerr   string   `json:"systemerr,omitempty" yaml:"systemerr,omitempty"` // put in testcase.Systemerr by venom if present
	Executor    Executor `json:"executor,omitempty" yaml:"executor,omitempty"`  

// GetDefaultAssertions return default assertions for this executor
// Optional
func (Executor) GetDefaultAssertions() venom.StepAssertions {
	return venom.StepAssertions{Assertions: []string{"result.code ShouldEqual 0"}}

// Run execute TestStep
func (Executor) Run(ctx context.Context, l venom.Logger, step venom.TestStep) (venom.ExecutorResult, error) {

	// transform step to Executor Instance
	var t Executor
	if err := mapstructure.Decode(step, &t); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Get testcase context if needed
	varContext := ctx.Value(venom.ContextKey).(map[string]interface{})
	if varContext == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Executor web need a context")
    bar := varContext['foo']

	// to something with t.Command here...

	systemout := "foo"
	ouputCode := 0

	// prepare result
	r := Result{
		Code:    ouputCode, // return Output Code
		Command: t.Command, // return Command executed
		Systemout:  systemout,    // return Output string
		Executor: t, // return executor, usefull for display Executor context in failure

	return dump.ToMap(r)

Feel free to open a Pull Request with your executors.

TestCase Context

TestCase Context allows you to inject datas in all Steps.

Define a context is optional, but can be usefull to keep data between teststeps on a testcase.

Write your TestCase Context

A TestCase Context has to implement this interface

type TestCaseContext interface {
	Init() error
	Close() error
	SetTestCase(tc TestCase)
	GetName() string


// Context Type name
const Name = "default"

// New returns a new TestCaseContext
func New() venom.TestCaseContext {
	ctx := &DefaultTestCaseContext{}
	ctx.Name = Name
	return ctx

// DefaultTestCaseContext represents the context of a testcase
type DefaultTestCaseContext struct {
	datas map[string]interface{}

// Init Initialize the context
func (tcc *DefaultTestCaseContext) Init() error {
	return nil

// Close the context
func (tcc *DefaultTestCaseContext) Close() error {
	return nil

Methods SetTestCase and GetName are implemented by CommonTestCaseContext


You've developed a new cool feature? Fixed an annoying bug? We'd be happy to hear from you! Make sure to read CONTRIBUTING.md before.


This work is under the BSD license, see the LICENSE file for details.