A workflow to analyse Gene Expression, Genetic Variations and Immune cell Composition of tumour samples using Next Generation Sequencing data

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


GEGVIC is a workflow to analyse Gene Expression, Genomic Variations and Immune cell Composition of tumour samples using Next Generation Sequencing data. This is a common need in the majority of the laboratories in the world, however, many times the high variety of tools available to perform each individual task can confuse and difficult the process.

Here we present an easy-to-use tool that requires few input files, provides a good flexibility and produces appealing outputs when comparing a group of samples for (i) differential gene expression, (ii) genomic variations and (iii) immune cell composition.

GEGVIC outline

GEGVIC outline


You can install the development version of GEGVIC from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Since this package requires many dependencies, it is recommended to execute the following code before the first usage to prepare the environment correctly.

# CRAN packages 
if(!require(shiny)) install.packages("shiny")
if(!require(dplyr)) install.packages("dplyr")
if(!require(tibble)) install.packages("tibble")
if(!require(tidyr)) install.packages("tidyr")
if(!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2")
if(!require(ggrepel)) install.packages("ggrepel")
if(!require(rlang)) install.packages("rlang")
if(!require(ggplotify)) install.packages("ggplotify")
if(!require(ggpubr)) install.packages("ggpubr")
if(!require(patchwork)) install.packages("patchwork")
if(!require(gridExtra)) install.packages("gridExtra")
if(!require(pheatmap)) install.packages("pheatmap")
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
if(!require(remotes)) install.packages("remotes")
if(!require(DT)) install.packages("DT")
if(!require(shinyFiles)) install.packages("shinyFiles")
if(!require(shinythemes)) install.packages("shinythemes")
if(!require(tm)) install.packages("tm")
if(!require(rmarkdown)) install.packages("rmarkdown")

# Bioconductor packages
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
if(!require(DESeq2)) BiocManager::install("DESeq2")
if(!require(apeglm)) BiocManager::install("apeglm")
if(!require(maftools)) BiocManager::install("maftools")
if(!require(clusterProfiler)) BiocManager::install("clusterProfiler")
if(!require(GSEAmining)) BiocManager::install("GSEAmining")
if(!require(GSEABase)) BiocManager::install("GSEABase")
if(!require(GSVA)) BiocManager::install("GSVA")
if(!require(SummarizedExperiment)) BiocManager::install("SummarizedExperiment")
if(!require(BSgenome)) BiocManager::install("BSgenome")
if(!require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)) BiocManager::install("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
if(!require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)) BiocManager::install("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38")
if(!require(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)) BiocManager::install("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10")
if(!require(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm39)) BiocManager::install("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm39")
if(!require(DO.db)) BiocManager::install("DO.db")
if(!require(GO.db)) BiocManager::install("GO.db")

# Github packages

Input data format

GEGVIC requires three main input data:

  1. RNA-sequencing raw counts (Counts): Table containing raw gene counts as rows and samples as columns. The first column must contain gene identifiers that can be either NCBI ID, ENSEMBL gene ID or HGNC ID and its column name MUST be adequately named as either:
  • entrezgene_id

  • ensembl_gene_id

  • hgnc_symbol


  1. Genomic variations data (Muts): Table containing short variant calls. Necessary columns MUST have the following names (following the MAF format):
    • Hugo_Symbol: Gene symbol from HGNC.
    • Chromosome: Affected chromosome.
    • Start_Position: Mutation start coordinate.
    • End_Position: Mutation end coordinate.
    • Reference_Allele: The plus strand reference allele at this position. Includes the deleted sequence for a deletion or “-” for an insertion.
    • Tumor_Seq_Allele2: Tumor sequencing discovery allele.
    • Variant_Classification: Translational effect of variant allele. Can be one of the following: Frame_Shift_Del, Frame_Shift_Ins, In_Frame_Del, In_Frame_Ins, Missense_Mutation, Nonsense_Mutation, Silent, Splice_Site, Translation_Start_Site, Nonstop_Mutation, RNA, Targeted_Region.
    • Variant_Type: Type of mutation. Can be: ‘SNP’ (Single nucleotide polymorphism), ‘DNP’ (Double nucleotide polymorphism), ‘INS’ (Insertion), ‘DEL’ (Deletion).
    • Tumor_Sample_Barcode: Sample name.


  1. Samples metadata: Table that contains additional information to the samples to create groups such as response to a therapy. The first column MUST be named Samples and contain the same nomenclature for each sample as in the RNA-sequencing raw counts and Genomic variations data tables.


Example of usage

Here, we will explore the workflow, how to use each function and the outputs that they generate. Users can use their own data (with the appropriate format as indicated before) by loading them in the R workspace, however, the package comes with pre-loaded input data from a subset of the TCGA-COADREAD cohort.


  • All the functions names have a prefix that indicate to which module they belong.
  • For further information about specific function argument, install the GEGVIC package and use the help function or visit the description page for the corresponding function in the GitHub respository under the ‘R/’ section.
# load the package

1. Gene Expression module (GE)

This module uses the functionalities provided by the DESeq2 package.

1.1. PCA

First, using the ge_pca() function we can perform a PCA to evaluate how samples and groups relate to each other. For that, we indicate the raw counts file (sample_counts), how the gene identifiers are encoded (‘ensembl_gene_id’), the metadata file (sample_metadata) and the unquoted name of the column that contains the groups of interest as the response argument. Then, the design should be a formula that expresses how the counts for each gene depend on the variables in the metadata, and finally the colours to represent each sample group. The function outputs a plot.

ge_pca(counts = sample_counts,
       genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
       metadata = sample_metadata,
       response = MSI_status,
       design = 'MSI_status',
       colors = c('orange', 'black'))


1.2. Differential gene expression

Then, we can compute differential gene expression between groups of interest using the ge_diff_exp() function and store the results in an object (results.dds).

We need to define new parameters such as the samples group that will be used as the level of reference (the group to which the others will be compared against in a form of a vector) and the shrinkage method of the log2 fold changes to be applied (or not).

In the case there are multiple levels of comparison the object will be in a form of a list.

results.dds <- ge_diff_exp(counts = sample_counts,
                           genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                           metadata = sample_metadata,
                           design = 'MSI_status',
                           ref_level = c('MSI_status', 'MSS'),
                           shrink = 'apeglm')

1.3. Gene annotation

In the case that the gene identifiers provided are not in form of HGNC symbols but are NCBI or ENSEMBL ID, we have to use the ge_annot() function to perform the appropriate conversion and store the results in a new object (annot.res). For that we will have to indicate a query from the biomart package with the following attributes: ensembl_gene_id, hgnc_symbol, entrezgene_id, transcript_length, refseq_mrna. GEGVIC has already available the following databases:

  • Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 37: ensembl_biomart_GRCh37.

  • Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38: ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13.

  • Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 38 (mm10): ensembl_biomart_GRCm38_p6.

  • Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 39 (mm39): ensembl_biomart_GRCm39.

annot.res <- ge_annot(results_dds = results.dds,
                      genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                      biomart = ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13)

1.4. Volcano plot

To represent differential gene expression in form of Volcano plots the function ge_volcano() is used to generate a plot for each comparison groups. In the plot, the top ten most significantly up- and dw-regulated genes will be highlighted. Furthermore, the function allow users to define the fold change and adjusted p-value to further customize the plot.

ge_volcano(annot_res = annot.res, 
           fold_change = 2, 
           p.adj = 0.05)

Volcano plot

1.5. GSEA: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis

One of the last functions of the module, ge_gsea(), permits to perform Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) using the clusterProfiler package functionalities. The resulting top 20 regulated gene sets are shown in a bubble plot where Normalized Enrichment Score (NES) is shown. The size of the bubbles are determined by the percentage of genes in the gene set that belong to the leading edge (core). Then, the same gene sets are grouped by similarity and plotted using the GSEAmining package. Three plots are generated, first a cluster of gene sets and, per each cluster, a wordcloud of biological terms enriched in each case and the top 3 genes in the leading edge of the different gene sets present in that cluster.

To use this function the user has to provide a collection of gene sets to evaluate in a form of a gmt file. This can be downloaded from the Molecular Signatures Database, MSigDB or be customly created following the corresponding [guidelines] (https://software.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/gsea/wiki/index.php/Data_formats). In the case of working with mouse data, gene symbols are automatically transformed to human orthologs, so the same gene sets from MSigDB can be used. The Reactome gene sets were downloaded (c2.cp.reactome.v7.5.1.symbols.gmt file) and used to create this example.

Additionally, users can define the adjusted p-value cut-off to be more or less restrictive when performing GSEA. The function generates two plots, one dendrogram and one wordcloud with the most enriched name terms in each cluster in the dendrogram.

Note: There are two ways to access to the results table. (1) Call the object results object as gsea.res$table_name@result or (2) as.data.frame(gsea.res).

gsea.res <- ge_gsea(annot_res = annot.res,
                    gmt = 'inst/extdata/c2.cp.reactome.v7.5.1.symbols.gmt',
                    gsea_pvalue = 0.2)

GSEA: Bubble plot

GSEA: Gene sets clustering

GSEA: Gene set name Wordclouds

GSEA: Leading edge

Finally, the ge_single() allows to perform Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) or single sample GSEA (ssGSEA) to cluster samples using the GSVA package. In order to do that, the user has to define the method and also indicate the gene set collection of interest. By default, the HALLMARK collection from the MSigDB will be used if the location of a different .gmt file is not provided.

Results are shown as a heatmap. Users can define the color of the sample groups and also if gene set names and/or sample names should be plotted or not.

gsva.res <- ge_single(counts = sample_counts,
                      metadata = sample_metadata,
                      genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                      response = MSI_status,
                      design = 'MSI_status',
                      biomart = ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13,
                      gsva_gmt = 'hallmark',
                      method = 'gsva',
                      kcdf = 'Gaussian',
                      colors = c('orange', 'black'),
                      row.names = TRUE,
                      col.names = TRUE)


2. Immune cell Composition module (IC)

This module uses functionalities from the immunedeconv package.

2.1 Transform raw counts to TPM

To predict immune composition of tumour microenvironment from RNA-sequencing data, we need first to transform raw counts to TPM (Transcript Per kilobase Million), as it is required by all the methods in the immunedeconv package. The function ic_raw_to_tpm() takes the same input as for the GE_module (RNA-seq raw counts). It also needs the gene identifiers encoding and the biomaRt database. The results should be stored as a new object (i.e.: tmp).

tpm <- ic_raw_to_tpm(counts = sample_counts,
                     genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                     biomart = ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13)

2.2. Predict immune cell composition

The object containing TPM reads will be used as the input for the ic_deconv() function, which estimates the immune cell composition of the samples. All the following methods (included in the immunedeconv package) QUANTISEQ, TIMER, MCP_COUNTER, XCELL, EPIC and CIBERSORT will be used.

Note: To use the CIBERSORT, the user need to register on the CIBERSORT web page (https://cibersort.stanford.edu), obtain a license and download the source code in form of two files CIBERSORT.R and LM22.txt. Then, the user need to specify the path to the storage location of such files in the cibersort argument.

The indications argument must be a character vector of cancer type codes for each sample in the tpm matrix. Indications supported can be checked using immunedeconv::timer_available_cancers. Results should be saved in a new object (i.e.: ic.pred).

ic.pred <- ic_deconv(gene_expression = tpm,
                     indications = rep('coad', ncol(tpm)),
                     cibersort = 'cibersort/', # Set to NULL to not use this option
                     tumor = TRUE,
                     rmgenes = NULL,
                     scale_mrna = TRUE,
                     expected_cell_types = NULL)

2.3. Plot cell predictions

With the ic_plot_comp_samples() function we can plot a graph comparing each immune cell populations between sample groups per method. For that, the name of column where lies the grouping variable must be written WITHOUT quotes in the response argument. The compare argument allow users to decide which method should be used for comparing means. Options are ‘t.test’ and ‘wilcox.test’ for two groups or ‘anova’ and ‘kruskal.test’ for more groups. Also, the p_label argument permits to choose the way the significance is represented, being either ‘p.signif’ (shows the significance levels) or ‘p.format’ (shows the formatted p-value). The function allows to change also the colours of the groups and decide if points are added to the plot.

ic_plot_comp_samples(df = ic.pred,
                     metadata = sample_metadata,
                     response = MSI_status,
                     compare = 'wilcox.test',
                     p_label = 'p.format',
                     colors = c('orange', 'black'),
                     points = FALSE)

Immune cell populations between samples

Similarly, the ic_plot_comp_celltypes() function is able to plot the comparison of each immune cell fraction within each sample from the predictions made by CIBERSORT, EPIC and QUANTISEQ.

ic_plot_comp_celltypes(df = ic.pred,
                       metadata = sample_metadata,
                       response = MSI_status,
                       col.names = TRUE)

Immune cell populations per sample

2.4. Calculate Immunophenogram and Immunophenoscores

The last function in this module, ic_score() uses TPM expression values to calculate and plot immunophenogram (IPG) and immunophenoscores (IPS) for each sample and each group of study. They give an overall picture of the state of MHC molecules (MHC), Immunomodulators (CP), Effector cells (EC) and Suppressor cells (SC) in each sample, making possible the comparison between samples. For further interpretation please visit https://tcia.at/tools/toolsMain.

Note: Immunophenograms are generated in a pdf file containing the results for each sample in a single page. The output file, named immunophenogram_report.pdf, will be stored in the working directory.

ips <- ic_score(tpm = tpm,
                metadata = sample_metadata,
                response = MSI_status,
                compare = 'wilcox.test',
                p_label = 'p.format',
                colors = c('orange', 'black'))



3. Genomic Variations module (GV)

This module uses functionalities from the maftools package and the deconstructSigs package.

3.1. Mutational summary

The genomic variations input (sample_mutations) together with samples metadata can be used in the function gv_mut_summary() to generate two plots that will first summarise the mutation types present in the samples and second highlight the most common mutations by groups in a form of an oncoplot.

Users MUST indicate the unquoted name of the column that contains the groups of interest in the response argument. Additionally, parameters that define the number and which genes will appear in the oncoplot, the colours of sample groups and whether the names of the samples will appear in the plot can be modified.

gv_mut_summary(muts = sample_mutations,
               metadata = sample_metadata,
               response = MSI_status,
               top_genes = 10,
               specific_genes = NULL,
               col.names = FALSE,
               colors = c('orange', 'black'))

Genomic variants summary


3.2. Mutational load

The function gv_mut_load() will calculate the total number of mutations per sample. The same inputs as the previous function are required. Also the compare and p_label arguments allow users to decide which method should be used for comparing means and the way the significance is represented. As usual, the function allows to change also the colours of the groups.

mut.load <- gv_mut_load(muts = sample_mutations,
                        metadata = sample_metadata,
                        response = MSI_status,
                        compare = 'wilcox.test',
                        p_label = 'p.format',
                        colors = c('orange', 'black'))

Mutational load

3.3. Mutational signatures

The last function of the module,gv_mut_signatures() is used to predict the weight of mutational signatures contributing to an individual tumour sample. As well as the inputs described before, here the user have to choose the version of the genome to work with. To do so, the gbuild argument should be one of the following:

  • ‘BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19’

  • ‘BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38’

  • ‘BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10’

  • ‘BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm39’

Also, the mutational signature matrices containing the frequencies of all nucleotide changes per signature need to be indicated. GEGVIC contains the matrices from COSMIC for single and double base substitutions.

To choose one, the user has to indicate ’COSMIC_v{XX}_{YY}BS_GRCh{ZZ}’ (i.e. ‘COSMIC_v2_SBS_GRCh37’) in the mut_sigs argument:

  • XX is the version, that can be v2 or v3.2.

  • YY indicates if mutations are single (S) or double (D) base substitutions.

  • ZZ is for the genome assembly, either GRCh37 or GRCh38 for human data and mm9 or mm10 for mouse data.

The function generates two plots. The first is a barplot that shows the weight of the top four mutational signatures per sample and group. Since depending on how many samples or signatures are present in the analysis the results may be difficult to interpret, a second plot is generated. This is a heatmap that shows all samples as columns and signatures as rows and the weight of each signature determines the intensity of the colour. We believe that, although the first plot is more common in the literature, the second plot can be helpful, especially when many mutational signatures are present in many samples.

mut.sigs <- gv_mut_signatures(muts = sample_mutations,
                              metadata = sample_metadata,
                              response = MSI_status,
                              gbuild = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38',
                              mut_sigs = 'COSMIC_v2_SBS_GRCh38',
                              tri.counts.method = 'default',
                              colors = c('orange', 'black'),
                              col.names = TRUE)

Mutational signatures

Mutational heatmap

Additional Features

Execution by modules

GEGVIC offers the possibility to execute all the functions of a specific module at once using a single function with all the parameters described before. To access the result tables the output needs to be saved in a new object.

# Gene Expression Module (GE)
tables_module_ge <- module_ge(counts = sample_counts,
                              genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                              metadata = sample_metadata,
                              response = MSI_status,
                              design = 'MSI_status',
                              colors = c('orange', 'black'),
                              ref_level = c('MSI_status', 'MSS'),
                              shrink = 'apeglm',
                              biomart = ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13,
                              fold_change = 2,
                              p.adj = 0.05,
                              gmt = 'inst/extdata/c2.cp.reactome.v7.5.1.symbols.gmt',
                              gsea_pvalue = 0.2,
                              gsva_gmt = 'hallmark',
                              method = 'gsva',
                              kcdf = 'Gaussian',
                              row.names = TRUE,
                              col.names = TRUE)

# Genomic Variations Module (GV)
tables_module_gv <- module_gv(muts = sample_mutations,
                              metadata = sample_metadata,
                              response = MSI_status,
                              top_genes = 10,
                              specific_genes = NULL,
                              colors = c('orange' ,'black'),
                              compare = 'wilcox.test',
                              p_label = 'p.format',
                              gbuild = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38',
                              mut_sigs = 'COSMIC_v2_SBS_GRCh38',
                              tri.counts.method = 'default',
                              col.names = TRUE)

# Immune cell Composition module (IC)
tables_module_ic <- module_ic(counts = sample_counts,
                              genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                              biomart = ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13,
                              indications = rep('coad', ncol(sample_counts[-1])),
                              cibersort = NULL,
                              metadata = sample_metadata,
                              response = MSI_status,
                              compare = 'wilcox.test',
                              p_label = 'p.format',
                              colors = c('orange', 'black'),
                              points = TRUE)

Automatic Report

Finally, GEGVIC offers the possibility to generate an HTML report which will contain all the graphical outputs already shown in this manual using the auto_rep() function. Appart from all the options already explained for each function, the user has the option to select which modules will be executed and also the output directory where the report will be saved.

auto_rep(ge_module = TRUE,
         gv_module = TRUE,
         ic_module = TRUE,
         out_dir = NULL,
         counts = sample_counts,
         genes_id = 'ensembl_gene_id',
         metadata = sample_metadata,
         response = 'MSI_status',
         design = 'MSI_status',
         colors = c('orange', 'black'),
         ref_level = c('MSI_status', 'MSS'),
         shrink = 'apeglm',
         biomart = ensembl_biomart_GRCh38_p13,
         fold_change = 2,
         p.adj = 0.05,
         gmt = 'c2.cp.reactome.v7.5.1.symbols.gmt',
         gsea_pvalue = 0.2,
         gsva_gmt = 'hallmark',
         method = 'gsva',
         kcdf = 'Gaussian',
         row.names = TRUE,
         col.names = TRUE,
         muts = sample_mutations,
         top_genes = 10,
         specific_genes = NULL,
         compare = 'wilcox.test',
         p_label = 'p.format',
         gbuild = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38',
         mut_sigs = 'COSMIC_v2_SBS_GRCh38',
         tri.counts.method = 'default',
         indications = rep('coad', ncol(sample_counts[-1])),
         cibersort = NULL,
         tumor = TRUE,
         rmgenes = NULL,
         scale_mrna = TRUE,
         expected_cell_types = NULL,
         points = TRUE)