Flymystuff is a global network connecting international Shoppers with Flyers who have baggage space to spare.
Quite often, people who have travelled overseas and returned, find themselves craving for more of a favourite item or items that they have bought at a store but have been unable to find online stores that can ship the item over to them, or perhaps the postage costs outweigh the benefits, or the postage takes far too long to reach them and could be lost.
Flymystuff offers a way for these Shoppers to connect with Flyers who will be travelling to their place of interest and returning to the Shopper's location.
- Shoppers post a 'Flyte' listing for an item at a location they wish to acquire, with the price that they are willing to pay for the item (price should include: price of item, and the delivery tip) and a preferred date they would like to receive the item.
- A Flyer can then accept the Flyte and once matched, the Shopper is automatically charged a 7% fee of the price they listed for the Flyte. No payment is made to the Flyer at this stage.
- The Flyer must then provide details of when they are:
- leaving their overseas location
- arriving at the Shopper's location
- The Flyer is then responsible for purchasing the item in the overseas location and bringing it back with them to the Shopper's location. Through the app, the Flyer provides regular updates of the item's transit status.
- The Flyer and Shopper then agree on how the item is to be handed over once the Flyer is in town (Postage / Pickup).
- Once the item has exchanged hands and the Shopper is satisfied, the Shopper marks the Flyte as complete, and the Flyer automatically gets paid.
My inspiration for Flymystuff stems from my experience as a migrant from Singapore, where upon moving to a foreign country like Australia, one realises that there are certain items such as food, clothing, accessories or appliances that are either hard to find or unavailable for purchase locally. A common practice therefore is an almost silent agreement that if a close friend or family member is travelling to a location where you want the item, you ask politely for them to bring it back for you. And of course, this works vice versa.
While online shopping has no doubt played a pivotal role in connecting buyers to global marketplaces, high postage/shipping costs and frequently changing tax rulings constitute high barriers of entry to these buyers.
Postage/shipping from overseas countries also tend to be unpredictable, with very little relevant information provided even with "tracking services". Parcels tend to be delivered at inconvenient times with very no means of specifying a delivery date, time or location.
Online shops also rarely provide the same rich amount of product variety that local stores overseas have.
The freedom that users have to purchase items from local stores overseas and connect with travellers willing to carry such items addresses such concerns.
Flymystuff allows Shoppers to post requests for items to be purchased and brought back to their locale. Users (Flyers) travelling to such locales may then respond to relevant requests, offering to take up the task of purchasing and bringing the item(s) with them to the Shopper's locale.
Once Shoppers and Flyers have agreed, Flymystuff holds the Shopper's payment, giving the Flyer security to know that they can then purchase the item and carry out the delivery.
The Shopper and Flyer then agree on a suitable location, date and time for the item to exchange hands. Once the item is received, the Shopper then completes the transaction, known as a "Flyte" on the app, and the Flyer receives their payment.
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Version Control: Git
- Deployment: Heroku
- File Storage: AWS S3
- Development Framework: Ruby on Rails
- Rspec (testing)
- Devise (user authentication)
- Mailgun (mailer functions)
- Paperclip (file processing)
- ImageMagick (image processing)
- Stripe (payment processing)
- Kanban Board (User Stories) Tracking - Trello
- Task Timing - PomoDoneApp
- User Journeys -
- Database Design - DB Designer
- Wireframing/UI - Figma
- iOS Frame - iOS Design Kit
I followed some principles outlined in a Screenful blog post "Tracking user stories with Trello", as I wanted to design features from the perspective and needs of end-users. User Journeys were mapped out using I initially created an overall diagram depicting the macro-level of how a transaction would occur between a "Shopper" user and a "Flyer" user. I then went on to draw detailed diagrams of each user's perspective of the system.
- Each user has one profile and for MVP purposes, one address only
- can be expanded to > 1 address to facilitate postage to addresses other than personal address
- Address currently validates for "State" to be filled -- does not work for countries that do not have states/regions/provinces
- Flyte status and progression to completion
- Payment to Flyer once delivery completed
- Image upload for Flyer to show possession of item and item condition
- Inputs for Flyer to update progress
- Inputs for Shopper to request updates
- Messaging system between Shopper and Flyer
- Mailer notifications for:
- Responses to Listings
- Flyte status & progression
- Geocode maps to display Shopper and Flyer cities
- Allow users to refine and search through Listings for cities or items of interest
- A "Suggestions" page, showing items freuqently requested from particular cities