
Public SNIK Ontology. An ontology of information management in hospitals.

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SNIK Ontology

build SHACL status License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DOI

SNIK is an ontology of information management in hospitals that consists of a meta model and several subontologies.

See Also


Subontology Name Source Comments
meta.ttl Meta Hand-crafted Defines general terms.
bb.ttl Blue Book Health Information Systems, A. Winter et al.
ob.ttl Orange Book IT-Projektmanagement im Gesundheitswesen, E. Ammenwerth et al.
he.ttl Heinrich Informationsmanagement: Grundlagen Aufgaben Methoden, L.J. Heinrich et al.
ciox.ttl CIOX Hospital Interviews
it4it.ttl IT4IT Standard

Setup your own SPARQL Endpoint


For testing you can setup a local SPARQL endpoint with a single command using KBox, which you can install using pip install kbox or using docker, which we show here:

docker run -p 8080:8080 aksw/kbox:v0.0.2-alpha -server -kb "http://www.snik.eu/ontology" -install

Ignore the message and open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser.

Existing Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint

All in one Graph

Run scripts/combine to merge everything into one file /tmp/snik.ttl, which you can upload to the graph http://www.snik.eu/ontology.

Graph Group and Subgraphs

  1. Go to “Linked Data”->"Quad Store Upload” and upload the files.
File Graph
meta.ttl http://www.snik.eu/ontology/meta
bb.ttl http://www.snik.eu/ontology/bb
ob.ttl http://www.snik.eu/ontology/ob
ciox.ttl http://www.snik.eu/ontology/ciox
it4it.ttl http://www.snik.eu/ontology/it4it
limes.nt http://www.snik.eu/ontology/limes-exact
match.nt http://www.snik.eu/ontology/match

Check if it worked by querying SELECT COUNT(*) ?graph {GRAPH ?graph {?s ?p ?o.}} ORDER BY DESC(COUNT(*)).

  1. Add graphs to the graph group in the Virtuoso Conductor ISQL panel and create the namespaces

     DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.snik.eu/ontology', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/bb');
     DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.snik.eu/ontology', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/ob');
     DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.snik.eu/ontology', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/meta');
     DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.snik.eu/ontology', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/ciox');
     DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.snik.eu/ontology', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/it4it');
     DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.snik.eu/ontology', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/he');
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('sniko', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/', 2);                
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('meta', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/meta/', 2);
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('bb', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/bb/', 2);
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('ob', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/ob/', 2);
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('he', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/he/', 2);
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('ciox', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/ciox/', 2);
     DB.DBA.XML_SET_NS_DECL ('it4it', 'http://www.snik.eu/ontology/it4it/', 2);
  2. (Optional) Add virtual Triples

    1. Query scripts/sparql/construct_virtual_triples_and_missing.sparql.txt as N-Triples
    2. Upload the result to the graph http://www.snik.eu/ontology/virtual

Editing for Project Members

  • Edit only with a text editor.

  • Please make sure that you produce the smallest diff possible for your changes, e.g. don't use a tool that shuffles the definition locations around or changes line endings or indentation.

  • Verify after editing with:

    rapper -i turtle -c filename.ttl


SHACL shapes for closed-world validation are included in shacl.ttl. Validate with scripts/shacl.


The docker compose setup includes a Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint preloaded with the different SNIK graphs and namespaces, an RDF Browser and more.


Because we extracted the triples from copyrighted books with permission of the publishers, we chose a noncommercial license with copyleft, the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, see LICENCE for details. The tools developed in the SNIK project have the same license for simplicity's sake and there was never a reason to change it. However we want to encourage reuse, modification, derivation and distribution as much as possible, so if that license is a problem for you please contact Prof. Winter and we try our best to find a solution.