
Extend typehints to include dynamic checks (that might otherwise be dealt with by assertions) in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Extend typehints to include dynamic checks (that might otherwise be dealt with by assertions) in Python.


PyPI Version Wheel


Tests Coverage


License Python Versions

Installation: Pip

pip install parameter-checks



Table of Contents


Basic example:

import parameter_checks as pc

@pc.hints.cleanup   # be left with only type-annotations
@pc.hints.enforce   # enforce the lambda but not the types
def div(a: int, b: pc.annotations.Checks[int, lambda b: b != 0]):
    return a / b 

div(1, 1)   # returns 1.0
div(1, 0)   # raises ValueError

As can be seen in this example, this package provides a new type-annotation: pc.annotations.Checks (it also provides pc.annotations.Hooks, see below). Using @pc.hints.enforce on a function will enforce the checks given to those annotations (but not the types). @pc.hints.cleanup cleans up the function's __annotations__, turning div.__annotations__ from {'a': <class 'int'>, 'b': <parameter_checks.annotations._Checks object at 0x7fa62672a520>} to {'a': <class 'int'>, 'b': <class 'int'>} in the example above.


Add simple boolean checks on your parameters or return-values.

Checks: Construction

As seen in the example, pc.annotations.Checks is constructed via its __getitem__-method to conform to the type-hinting from typing.

The first parameter in the brackets can either be a type-hint or a callable. All others must be callables, or they will be ignored by @pc.hints.enforce and @pc.hints.cleanup. Any callable is assumed to take one argument—the parameter—and return a bool. If that bool is False, a ValueError will be raised. These callables will be referred to as "check functions" from hereon out.

Checks: Failure

Using this annotation on a parameter- or return-hint of a callable that is decorated with @pc.hints.enforce means that the check-functions in the Checks-hint will be executed and, if they fail, will raise a ValueError.

The following code:

import parameter_checks as pc

def div(
        numerator: int, 
        denominator: pc.annotations.Checks[lambda denom: denom != 0]
    return numerator / denominator

div(1, 0)   # raises ValueError

Will produce the following exception:

<Traceback ...>
Check failed! 
    - Callable: 
        - Name: foo
        - Module: __main__
    - Parameter: 
        - Name: denominator
        - Value: 0

Checks: Example

import parameter_checks as pc
import enum

class Status(enum.Enum):
  SAVED = 1

@pc.hints.cleanup  # Cleans up annotations
@pc.hints.enforce  # Enforces the checks
def function(
        rescale: pc.annotations.Checks[
          lambda a: 1. < a < 25.
        file: pc.annotations.Checks[
          lambda file: file.endswith(".jpg") or file.endswith(".png"),
          lambda file: not file.endswith("private.jpg") and not file.endswith("private.jpg"),
          lambda file: not file.startswith("_")
) -> pc.annotations.Checks[Status, lambda r: r != Status.FAILURE]:

Checks: Notes

CAREFUL! Do not use this hint in any other hint (like pc.annotations.Checks | float, or tuple[pc.annotations.Check, int, int]). Both @pc.hints.enforce and @pc.hints.cleanup will fully ignore these pc.annotations.Checks.


Hook functions to your parameters to modify them or raise exceptions before the actual function even starts.

Hooks: Construction

This works similar to pc.annotations.Checks, except that its check-functions work differently.

The first item in the brackets can again be a type or a callable and the rest are callables, but the callables are now assumed to work differently:

  • They take four positional arguments in the following order:
    1. fct: the function that was decorated by @pc.hints.enforce
    2. parameter: the value of the parameter that is annotated
    3. parameter_name: the name of that parameter
    4. typehint: the typehint
  • They return the parameter (as modified by the hook)
  • If there are multiple hooks, they will be executed in the order in which they were given to Hooks. Each hook then executes on the output of the previous hook.

Hooks: Example

import parameter_checks as pc

def decision_boundary(fct, parameter, parameter_name, typehint):
    if type(parameter) is not typehint:
        err_str = f"In function {fct}, parameter {parameter_name}={parameter} " \
                  f"is not of type {typehint}!"
        raise TypeError(err_str)
    return 3 + 4 * parameter - parameter ** 2

def classify(
        x: pc.annotations.Hooks[float, decision_boundary],
        additional_offset: pc.annotations.Checks[float, lambda b: 0 <= b <= 100] = 0.
) -> bool:
    return (x + additional_offset) >= 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert classify(1.) is True   # 6.
    assert classify(2.) is True   # 7.
    assert classify(5.) is False   # -2.
    assert classify(5., 2.) is True   # 0.
    classify("not a float!")  # raises TypeError
    classify(1., -1.)   # raises ValueError

While the decision-boundary should probably be calculated in the function-body of classify, it might make sense to use it this way if there are other functions that use the same decision-boundary, like a function that accumulates statistics on the input data which might, when called repeatedly with random x, calculate the mean of the output to determine what additional_offset should be in classify.

Hooks: Notes

You can also use multiple hook-functions, which will be called on each other's output in the order in which they are given to pc.annotations.Hooks.

CAREFUL! Do not use this hint in any other hint (like pc.annotations.Hooks | float, or tuple[pc.annotations.Hooks, int, int]). Both @pc.hints.enforce and @pc.hints.cleanup will fully ignore these pc.annotations.Hooks.


This decorator enforces the two above-mentioned hints (pc.annotations.Checks and pc.annotations.Hooks) for a callable.

CAREFUL! This decorator doesn't enforce type-hints, but only the check- and hook-functions. Type-hints are only there for @pc.hints.cleanup.


This decorator removes any hint of pc.annotations.Checks and pc.annotations.Hooks. This means that a function annotated as follows:

import parameter_checks as pc 

def foo(
        a: int, 
        b: pc.annotations.Checks[int, ...], 
) -> pc.annotations.Checks[...]:

which is excpected to have the following __annotations__:

{'a': <class 'int'>, 'b': <parameter_checks.annotations._Checks object at 0x7fa62658f430>, 'return': <parameter_checks.annotations._Checks object at 0x7fa62642b7c0>}

now actually has these __annotations__:

{'a': <class 'int'>, 'b': <class 'int'>}

This way, other decorators can work as usual.

This decorator is separate from @pc.hints.enforce so that it can be used more flexibly.

  • Users can decide to somehow make use of pc.annotations.Checks and pc.annotations.Hooks in their own functions or decorators
  • Or they can choose to remove those pesky annotations and have normal-looking __annotations__

But why?

Few things are more useful in programming than the ability to constrain a program's possible behaviors and communicate those constraints clearly in code. Statically typed languages do this with types, scope modifiers, and lifetime modifiers, among others (int, static, private, const, etc.). These are static constraints in that they are evaluated statically, before runtime.

Oftentimes, a program also has dynamic constraints, evaluated during runtime—assertions, for example. A function dealing with division, for example, has to deal with the special case of division by zero.

Replacing parameter-checks in the function-body with enforceable typehints in the function-signature might have the following advantages:

  • Make code more readable by having constraints in a predefined place
  • Encourage programmers to think about these constraints while writing the functions—a type of test-driven development directly at the function (seeing parts of the "tests" in the function-signature might assist readability of code, as well)
  • Make code easier to write by providing important information about APIs in a glancable way
    • This would of course require editor-support, which I do not provide
  • Make it possible to include information on dynamic constraints in automatically generated documentation

Ideas for future extensions

There is still a lot that this package cannot do, and here are some ideas about how to address this.

Feedback on these ideas (as well as other contributions, of course) is welcome.

Early returns

Many checks in functions trigger early returns. While this could theoretically be achieved with pc.annotations.Hooks by changing the parameter into a special value, being more explicit about this might be helpful. This could look as follows:

import parameter_checks as pc

def hook_with_early_return(fct, parameter, parameter_name, typehint):
    if ...:
        # Ignore all other hooks and the function-body;
        #   just return the values in EarlyReturn 
        return pc.annotations.EarlyReturn["well, this did not work out"]

def foo(a: pc.annotations.Hooks[int, hook_with_early_return]):
    # If a is of the wrong value, this part is never called;
    #   instead, "well, this did not work out" will be returned 
    #   immediately

Inter-parameter Checks and Hooks

Many checks compare two or more parameters; this can currently not be done with this package. One possibility for how it could be achieved is shown in the following example:

import parameter_checks as pc

def foo(
        b: pc.annotations.Checks[
                "a", lambda b, a: b < a   # should take arbitrary number of args

# Bigger example
def bar(
        c: pc.annotations.Checks[
                "a", "b", lambda c, a, b: a < b < c 
        d: pc.annotations.Hooks[
                "a", "b", "c", comparison_hook

def comparison_hook(fct, parameters: list, parameter_names: list, typehint):
    d, a, b, c = parameters 
    dname, aname, bname, cname = parameter_names