Headless & coupled e-commerce solutions (Tailwind & Vue app)



Snipcart was a sponsor at Headless Commerce Summit, an event organized by Netlify. Our CEO François gave a lightning talk titled Does Snipcart have a head?

The talk was also converted into a fully fledged developer guide to headless e-commerce.

For this talk, we needed a way to better visualize differences between headless & coupled e-commerce solutions. We had wanted to experiment with Vue + Tailwind CSS for a while, so we did.

Here's the resulting app!

The headless e-commerce solutions featured in the app are placed in 4 categories, depending on their characteristics:

  • Monolithic
  • Add-on
  • Storefront
  • API


You can submit edits or other solutions by cloning the repo and opening a PR.

We hope this app helps developers and merchants better understand the place of each of these e-commerce tools in the ecosystem.

Tailwind + Vue tutorial

We wrote a blog post to show how to set up Tailwind in a Vue.js app. Here's what it covers:

  • Generating a Vue 3 app
  • Setting up Tailwind CSS
  • Defining data to play with Tailwind
  • Pushing the configuration further

Read the tutorial here.