
Scripts for making Hubot a CND Sidekick

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is Hubot VTR, a series of Hubot actions for making Hubot a Computer Network Defense badass. The goal of this project is to create a series of Hubot actions for OSINT collection, Network Forensics, System Forensics, Reverse Engineering and other Network Defense tasks.

I gave a presentation about Hubot VTR at BSidesDFW. Check out my slides.


First things first you'll need Node.js and NPM installed, after that setting up Hubot VTR using NPM is easy.

  1. npm install hubot-vtr-scripts

  2. Add "hubot-vtr-scripts": ">= 1.0.3" to the dependences list in your Hubot package.json.

  3. Add "hubot-vtr-scripts" into your external-dependencies.json script between the brackets.

You're done! Restart Hubot and you're good to go!

Environment Variables

Certain scripts require use of private APIs and these require API authentication keys. You set those as environment variables.

How you set these up may vary on your deployment method and operating system.

Community Scripts

Getting the recommended community scripts necessary requires adding the following lines into hubot-scripts.json:

"announce.coffee", "availability.coffee", "deadline.coffee", "http-info.coffee", "isup.coffee", "news.coffee", "pypi.coffee", "sms.coffee", "heroku-status.coffee", "ip.coffee", "reload.coffee", "update.coffee", "base36.coffee", "base58.coffee", "base64.coffee"

VTR Scripts

Script Description
Code Name Generator Generates code names for being spooky
Geolocate IP Identify the physical location of an IP address
MyWOT Look up the reputation of a website
Pipl Look up OSINT on a users email address
Reputation Links Generate links for Robtext, IP/URLVoid, etc
Reverse DNS Get the urls associated with an IP address
Shodan Search engine for server strings.
Short URL Expander Take a shortened URL and find out where it redirects to.
VirusTotal Hash, URLs, IP Addresses
Yara Generates template for creating Yara rules.

Additional Scripts

These may require their own configuration.


Script Description
announce.coffee Send messages to all chat rooms.
availability.coffee Set your availability status so people know whether they're able to come over and chat with you or ping you over IM.
deadline.coffee Tracks when stuff is due.
http-info.coffee Returns title and description when links are posted.
isup.coffee Uses downforeveryoneorjustme.com to check if a site is up.
news.coffee Returns the latest news headlines from Google.
pypi.coffee Simple Python Package Index querying using XMLRPC API.
sms.coffee Allows Hubot to send text messages using Twilio API.

Administrative Scripts

Script Description
heroku-status.coffee Show current Heroku status and issues.
ip.coffee Return Hubot's external IP address (via jsonip.com).
reload.coffee Allows Hubot to (re)load scripts without restart.
update.coffee Allows hubot to update itself using git pull and npm update.


Script Description
base36.coffee Base36 encoding and decoding.
base58.coffee Base58 encoding and decoding.
base64.coffee Base64 encoding and decoding.


  • From the root project directory run:
  • npm test

Special Thanks

  • @technoskald - Constant sounding board
  • @technicalpickels - For my endless stupid questions about Hubot!
  • @mattjay - Tests: We needed those
  • @jnewland - For driving this whole ChatOps idea
  • @jcran
  • @snipe - Bug Fix Awesomeness