
My first E-Commerce app with [Firebase - Stripe payment and more]

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vue-Commerce App

I will migrate to Vuetify as the official CSS framework soon.

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Project overview [Continous updates and addons]

It is a world wide well known idea to have application that boosts the business. Vue-Commerce is the latest Version built with most current technologies to keep it simple, with faster performance. The development process does care about all stages that end users can face during the usage of the app from a standard user to an admin. Project has 100% continous support and updates


  • Multilingual [English - Arabic]
  • admin control
  • simple dashboards
  • simple landing page for end-users
  • availability for shopping and payments using stripe

Main project outline

🚧 => (under construction)

admin user
admin login login/register
dashboard homepage
overview 🚧 landing page
products products
categories 🚧 categories 🚧
orders 🚧 orders 🚧
users shopping cart
profile settings profile settings
discount 🚧 Checkout
logout logout

Technologies used

The front end uses VueJs (The powerful framework) with its dependencies and libraries. I have chosen VueJs for it is easiness and tidiness and for the performance and the short response time with end-user. I used Firebase as the backend of my application. Its features cannot be compared to other backend services. it is so powerful, secure, easy to use and provides tons of services. Here are the full list of the used technologies:

  • Frontend
    • VueJs framework ✔️
    • Bootstrap ✔️
    • BootstrapVue ✔️
  • Backend
    • Google Firebase ✔️
    • VueFirestore ✔️
    • Google-cloud functions ✔️
    • NodeJs ✔️
    • Stripe payments ⚠️

Note ⚠️:

Stripe is setup but my firebase needs a subscription and I have issues with it. So, it is not functioning at the moment.

General notes

Vuejs plugins:

  • BootstrapVue
  • VueFirestore
  • sweetalert2
  • adminLTE
  • Vue2Filters
  • progressbar
  • vuesax
  • https://vue-spinners.saeris.io/
  • vue-chartjs
  • vue2-flip-countdown.
  • apexcharts


Everything in the homepage is customizable:

For source code operations

Just clone repository

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.