
validation form using jsonPowerDB

Primary LanguageHTML


"It's a validation form based on JsonPowerDB in which you can add some employee details to keep record of them"

A simple HTML Web Application made with JavaScipt and JsonPowerDB for Employee Management System.

Benefits of using JsonPowerDB: "Benifits of using JsonPowerDB is descripted below"

.Simple to use   .Real time   .Raw data is human readable   .Schema Free   .Low developement cost due to Webservices API and faster coding   .Single Instance   .Multiple Security layers   .Server side native NoSQL   .Fast Developement   .PowerIndex   .Using JsonPowerDB is equally Easy and Fast when used with Server Side programming like Java, .NET, Python or PHP etc 

Release History

v0.0.0 (19/08/2021 3:30pm)

  • [#1] Added basic designs of all planned HTML pages

v0.1.0 (19/08/2021 6:00pm)

  • [#2] Designed all HTML pages
  • [#3] Added JS and connected pages to JsonPowerDB
  • [#4] Tested Database
  • [#5] Tested all pages

v0.1.1 (19/08/2021 7:00PM)

  • [#6] Added a README.md file



Validation   Executation   Result   Database  



  • Web Browser
  • Database Connection Token


  • open index.html to open the Index page


  • To go on any page
    • click on the link
  • To come back on index page
    • click <- arrow on Browser

Scope of functionalities

  • It is a very basic project for demonstration of JsonPowerDb with help of a web application for Employee management.