- 6
clang windows segfault
#195 opened by adamdusty - 5
ANSI escape sequences are displayed in Windows console
#147 opened by vid512 - 1
Provide sharding support
#203 opened by horenmar - 3
Detect and report rotten green tests
#176 opened by cschreib - 4
- 5
Snitch missing from meson WrapDB
#156 opened by vid512 - 0
- 3
Install by prefix broken with cmake --install
#196 opened by gaspacio - 5
Disable compilation flag
#186 opened by NicoMuleo - 6
Support for freestanding C++
#189 opened by nicolasnoble - 0
- 5
Cannot do checks inside a thread
#188 opened by cschreib - 3
Unexpected build errors with SNITCH_DO_TEST enabled and SNITCH_WITH_ALL_REPORTERS disabled
#190 opened by NicoMuleo - 9
Use on embedded hardware
#158 opened by CrustyAuklet - 0
- 1
Capture and section state not reported correctly with manual exception handling followed by unhandled exception
#179 opened by cschreib - 3
Problem with compilation flags.
#185 opened by NicoMuleo - 6
CAPTURE not displayed when exception is caught
#177 opened by vid512 - 1
- 6
Assertion count seems to be wrong
#173 opened by s9w - 0
Make upload of release artifacts automatic
#175 opened by cschreib - 0
`--list-tests` output does not match Catch2
#167 opened by cschreib - 0
- 8
Compilation error with MSVC 19.37
#140 opened by cschreib - 1
Snitch missing from meson WrapDB
#157 opened by vid512 - 9
Add float matchers
#101 opened by cschreib - 2
--color vs. --colour-mode
#155 opened by vid512 - 1
Query whether snitch is expecting a throw
#153 opened by vid512 - 18
Support automatic check for unexpected exception
#141 opened by vid512 - 4
mocking support
#152 opened by zhuoqiang - 0
Following sections sometimes get executed after an unexpected exception is thrown
#149 opened by cschreib - 0
`CONSTEVAL_*` checks for non-decomposable expressions are not evaluated at compile time
#145 opened by cschreib - 3
- 3
How to match std::exception error text easily?
#142 opened by vid512 - 3
- 7
Collaboration and governance model
#132 opened by cschreib - 0
Rename `small_function` to `function_ref`
#112 opened by cschreib - 11
Please consider making all files installed by the header-only version different from files installed by the library version
#125 opened by yurivict - 7
snitch doesn't compile
#129 opened by s9w - 5
Cmake configuration error
#120 opened by victimsnino - 6
Can't provide serialization for vector<int>
#108 opened by vid512 - 1
Add native support for Catch2 XML output
#100 opened by cschreib - 0
- 0
CTest integration using Catch2 scripts does not work
#110 opened by cschreib - 0
Implement exact same CLI test filtering as in Catch2
#113 opened by cschreib - 3
CLI filtering/matching test case sections
#99 opened by jeremyong - 4
Failure on nullptr char*
#107 opened by vid512 - 2
MSYS2-UCRT ICE and segfault on
#103 opened by willwray - 0
- 6