
This is Python wrapper for the SOTI MobiControl API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is Python library wrapper the SOTI MobiControl REST API to manage devices, profiles, and packages.

Project structure


Setup the environment

Intall the Python slected version using pyenv using the following commands:

pyenv install 3.13.0

pyenv shell 3.13.0

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3

poetry init

poetry install

Activate the environment

poetry env use ~/.pyenv/versions/3.13.0/bin/python

Install the dependencies


poetry add anyio
poetry add httpx

Build the package locally

poetry build

Test the package

Make sure the the tests are found

pytest --collect-only

Manually build and publish the package to https://test.pypi.org/

Inclenment the version in the pyproject.toml file


Make sure you have the API token from the https://test.pypi.org/ and configure the repository and the token in the poetry

poetry config repositories.test-pypi https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
poetry config pypi-token.test-pypi <your-api-token>

Build the package and publish it to the test.pypi.org

poetry build
poetry publish --repository test-pypi