Test Task – Embedded Application Developer role


With the POCO library (https://pocoproject.org) write a simple TCP server that will accept a connection on a port 28888 that will reverse a string entered by client.

So on a Linux host after I run your application I can do

$ telnet 28888
> Welcome to POCO TCP server. Enter you string:
Input by a person
Output by server
Etc.. The line is not to exceed 255 symbols.

What need to be delivered:

The archive with the source code and instruction how to build and run the code on a Linux host.

Build instruction

  1. Install Bazel using official instructions.
  2. Build and run using bazel run //:tcp_reflector
  3. Connect to the server: telnet localhost 28888

Poco doesn't have to be installed on a target system.


I haven't time to test how errors are handled. Poco documentation says that receive/send may throw TimeoutException or NetException. The application may crash or leak memory in appearence of such events.