📃 Basic microservices Template

This project uses 3 services in serverside

  • mysql database server - port 7200
  • graphql api-gateway server - port 7000
  • a headless Content delivery using Express - port 7100

and 1 clientside service.

  • react app server

This project uses


React Graphql Antd render mappings by lat and long using MapRequest


  • Docker (and Docker Compose) last safe version

Database and server

  • Node.js ^12
  • MySQL ^2.2.5
  • Sequelize ^6.3.5


  • An api gateway for database using Graphql
  • Node.js


in main directory

docker-compose up


in command line:

this command will enter the container of customers service

docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep 7100 | awk '{print $1}')

then, run this command:

yarn db:migrate

in a separate terminal, inside react app

  • yarn
  • yarn start

Routes in backend

  • /mock - mock database with 1000 entries
  • /clear-database - clear database
  • /customers - list customers if filtered with city
  • /customer - get customer by id with "?id={id}"
  • /customers/count/city - group and agreggate customers by city