Chrome Captcha Harvester

Created by Volt#9540

The harvester allows you to collect g_recaptcha_tokens for use in your projects.


If you have questions or need help setting up, please join the discord here.

External libraries

  • selenium
  • selenium-wire
  • PyInquirer
  • colorama
  • django


  • You may need to update chromedriver if out of date.
  • Localhost is enabled (True) as default.
  • token_count (the amount of valid recaptcha tokens you want) is set to 1 as default.


Step 1:

  • Download the project files by either cloning or downloading the zip file via GitHub.
  • Install all external libraries using pip install {lib} in your venv (virtual environment).

Step 2a (server setup):

In cmd or your IDE, enter the harvester-server\\recaptcha_server directory (harvester-server/recaptcha_server if you are using mac).


cd {path to recaptcha_server dir}

In IDE (inside chrome-recaptcha-harvester dir):

cd harvester-server\\recaptcha_server

Step 2b (server setup):

In terminal: python runserver

This will start your local Django server, which the harvester uses to create a "Waiting for Captcha" page.

Chrome Login

The Chrome Login feature allows you to login to your gmail accounts and save them as browser profiles for later use.

From the menu:

  • Select Chrome Login
  • Enter the desired profile name.
  • Login to your gmail account
  • Congrats! Your gmail account is saved.