
it will send messages from a channel to another via a webhook!

Primary LanguagePython


it will send messages from a channel to another via a webhook!

If you enjoy the script, please star it!

[30/04/2021] This script just broke because of what seems to be a discord update, i'm working on fixing it right now

[Update] the problem is from discord not returning embeds with user accounts, and it doesn't seem to be fixable for now, the script still works fine with bot accounts

/!\ if you want to use a bot token instead of a user token, replace bot=False by bot=True in the last line of the script

Doc for message_mirror_multi.py

This script allows to use mirror multiple channels with only 1 instance of the script running (and it works even with just 1 channel being mirrored)
I recommend using this script over message_mirror.py

Before running the script, open the script and input your token, as well as the blacklisted webhooks (if any, see below for more infos), and the mirrored channels and corresponding webhooks in the dict. Then you can just open the script as you would with any other py file

For python newbies, here is how the dict works

111111111111111111: "webhook_url_1",
222222222222222222: "webhook url 2",
700475955574997005: "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/578257910442885181/Jgfig2bKJaaXHf_JE3a3_-uEYNI63fttFkr_vxhHCSX40kUmHNstDFcsNN-druADIdds",

When a message gets sent in the channel with the id 111111111111111111, this message will be forwarded to the webhook with the url webhook_url_1
To add a mirrored channel, simply add a new line with the channel id (without quotes), :, and the webhook url (between quotes). Also don't forget to add a , at the end of the line

Doc for message_mirror.py

open it by calling it like this:

python "message_mirror.py" [id of channel to mirror] "[webhook token]"

ex: python "message_mirror.py" 578257710013874186 "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/578257910442885181/Jgfig2bKJaaXHf_JE3a3_-uEYNI63fttFkr_vxhHCSX40kUmHNstDFcsNN-druADIdds"

About blacklisted webhoooks

If you want to make a thing that mirror messages both way, just add another line but using the other channel's id and the a webhook in the other channel
If you do that you'll also need to add the webhooks to the blacklist:
to do that, edit your py file and replace idofwebhook1 and idofwebhook2 by the ids of the webhooks
the ids of the webhooks are the numbers after "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/". For exemple, the id of the webhook "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/578257910442885181/Jgfig2bKJaaXHf_JE3a3_-uEYNI63fttFkr_vxhHCSX40kUmHNstDFcsNN-druADIdds" would be 578257910442885181.
The line should look like this: blacklistedwebhook = [631928126376599440, 631931858839128064]

Based on a code from DeadBread